Poster Session

A poster session is planned. Poster presentation is subject to a selection that the organizing committee will make. Therefore you must send the title and abstract of the poster you wish to present by 10 july 2022 to email


  • Laura BALDELLI, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences

"Nonlinear elliptic critical problems in R^N"

  • Diego BERTI, University of Firenze

"On regularized three-dimensional tropical climate models"

  • Antonia CHINNI', University of Messina

“On existence of non-zero weak solutions for a Navier problem driven by p(x)-biharmonic operator”

  • Laura GAMBERA, University of Palermo

"On an existence and uniqueness result for singular elliptic systems in R^N"

  • Umberto GUARNOTTA, University of Palermo

"On a non-homogeneous parabolic equation with singular and convective reaction"

  • Angela SCIAMMETTA, University of Palermo

"Two solutions for a p-laplacian Dirichlet problem"

  • Berikbol T. TOREBEK, Institue of Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling, Almaty, Kazakhstan

"Nonexistence of global solutions for an inhomogeneous pseudo-parabolic equation"

  • Elisabetta TORNATORE, University of Palermo

"Nonhomogeneous Neumann problem with gradient dependence"