
Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 19-21, 2024

IW-FCV2024 ended with a great success. We had over 60 presentations including 31 oral presentations from participants from six countries. We would like to thank all the authors, participants, committee members, and the other community members for their generous support. We look forward to meeting you at the next IW-FCV2025 in Seoul! General & Program Co-chairs, on behalf of the IW-FCV2024 Organizing Committee.

The International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (IW-FCV) is a historic academic workshop that brings together leading researchers from the global research community in image analysis, computer vision, and deep learning to share their latest research results.

IW-FCV2024 will be held as an onsite face-to-face event during Feb. 19-21, 2024 in Toyo, Japan.

What's New

About IW-FCV Series

Bringing together various leaders in Image Processing and Computer Vision Society mainly between South Korea and Japan to exchange ideas annually.

The 30th International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (IW-FCV2024) will be held during February 19-21, 2024.

IW-FCV is a comprehensive technical conference focused on image and video processing and computer vision. IW-FCV features upstanding speakers and sessions, and creates an excellent forum to foster innovation, and network with the brightest minds in academia between South Korea and Japan that are working in this field. IW-FCV is the opportunity for researchers working in complementary areas, to discuss the development of emerging and next-generation in terms of technologies, applications, and services thanks to the workshop's panel discussions, and sessions. Every year IW-FCV attracts students, professors, as well as researchers. This includes many graduate students nearing the end of their study seeking new opportunities. For Professors interested in recruiting students for full-time employment or internships, IW-FCV facilitates the exchange of information by providing a platform where students could hear about various research opportunities, projects and students have the chance to network with the representatives.

For more information, please feel free to contact us: iwfcv2024@gmail.com

Call for Papers

IW-FCV2024 Call for Papers (PDF: Ver. 2024.2.6)