An Introduction

Ah! You’re here, good. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to show. Come on, have a seat. We’ve got a lot to go over...

So, first things first, I believe an introduction is in order. My name is David Wolfe, and it is very nice to finally get to meet you in person. I hope this place was a bit of a trouble to find. From now on, whenever we meet in person, it'll be in places like this: abandoned buildings and the like. Helps us make sure everything stays nice and quiet. Don't get too attached though. It will be a different place each time. Keeping things moving makes it harder to get caught. Now, I am sure you’re still curious as to why I have invited you here.

I am here on behalf of my colleagues and our little organization. We’ve been watching you for some time now. You show some real potential and that interests us. And, due to some untimely and unfortunate hazards of the trade, we’re looking for a few new members to join us. You seem like just the kind of person we’re looking for.

However, we’re not just going to hand out the spot to anyone. You’re going to have to prove yourself first. To do that, we’ve got a few contracts lined up for you. Complete those and we’ll know you’re serious.

So, about these contracts. Every now and then we get some people that come to us for help ‘acquiring’ certain items. This time we have three buyers, three contracts, three items. This time, the items we’ve been hired to find are weapons. These, however, aren’t normal weapons: these are incredibly powerful weapons from Indian myth. Now, I know what you’re thinking: emphasis on the word myth. But, trust me, these weapons are real; and even if they aren’t, our buyers are offering top dollar for them.

I’ll fill you in on the specifics of each weapon later when I brief you before each job. For now, all you need to know is that it’ll be your job to retrieve these weapons, by whatever means necessary, and return them to me so we can distribute them to the buyers. And don’t worry, you’ll get your fair share of the pay.

So, now that that’s out of the way, I'll give you some time to think it over. If you're still interested, meet me at this location in a few days and we'll get started.

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