Iván Williams Jiménez

I´m a policy, advocacy and research professional with passion for working conditions and occupational safety and health with over 15 years of experience in private and non-profit organisations. 

I am committed to keeping up to date on research and due diligence trends in areas related to law- technology, sexual harassment, work-related violence, future of work, decent work, labour rights, business human rights, social sustainability and psychosocial risks. 

Follow me via LinkedIn or other social media platforms available if you want to keep informed of insights and latest trends in working conditions.

Twitter: @IvnWilliams1

Instagram:  ivanwilliams78

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9oOhPG0AAAAJ&hl=es

Academiaedu https://uc3m.academia.edu/IvanWilliamsJimenez

As a scholar, I´m interested in emerging issues and the interpretation of the working changing landscape to be able to communicate the implications or findings for business and society. 

As an influencer I investigate, analyse and advocate on areas with strong links between working conditions and workers , work and the increasing use of technology or new forms of violence and harassment.

As a researcher I produce thought leadership on industry trends and issues that need to be addressed, this activity normally involves prospect mapping and other intelligence gathering.

I enjoy making the most of outreach activities like conferences or seminars to guarantee dissemination of research results. Also as a way to be positioned to signal emerging problems that could require special attention

I love exploring new avenues and opportunities afforded by social networking, including reaching to different audiences