After publishing prototype link in Share mode, click the Behance icon in the Property Inspector to open a new Behance project, and then publish the project. For more information on sharing to Behance, see Publish design from Adobe XD to Behance.

Browser settings can affect the rendering of design specs and prototypes. Learn how to change the browser settings, and find other browser-related fixes in Published Adobe XD prototypes do not appear in browsers.

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You can save your XD designs as cloud documents to ensure that they are up-to-date and accessible from any online device. You can then share them with other Creative Cloud users to collaborate. Changes to Cloud documents can also be made when you are offline, and they are automatically saved to the cloud when you connect back online. 

You can create a Recommendations design using a default design or by creating a custom design. The Recommendations > Designs screen displays both default design cards and any designs that have been created in your account.

You can create a design during the activity-creation process from within the Visual Experience Composer (VEC) or from the design library outside of activity creation. The following sections assume you are creating designs from the library, but the steps are similar.

Create a design from within Design library or within the form-based workflow. If you attempt to do this inside the Visual Experience Composer (VEC) workflow you cannot create anything other than an HTML design, which is wrapped in a for click tracking purposes.

Alternatively, you can send additional information in the response. The following code file is a more complex example that returns much more than the entity ids with their associated slots (order). This design example also returns activity details, Target Profile details (as applicable), and other entity.attributes associated with the items returned.

These companies support a range of skills, from more senior or more strategically oriented designers to more junior or more tactical designers. Teams use collaborative processes and tools to unify working groups.

Design is used both at the strategy-setting level and to tell a consistent story across the user experience. Design focuses on experience design as much as visual design, and there is a shared brand vision among employees, who internalize design as a core value of the organization.

Nearly half (46%) of design leaders cited creating an emotional bond with customers as a defining characteristic of an advanced design practice. Meanwhile, under one-third of those in the non-design-led cohort felt the same (see Figure 1). Moreover, taking a deeper look at our design-led group, firms that stated that design significantly influences digital CX strategy were even more likely to cite creating an emotional bond with customers than those who stated that design moderately influences digital CX strategy. Similarly, 46% of those that reported the highest influence of design on digital CX agreed that strong brand governance and consistency across touchpoints is a defining characteristic of an advanced design practice, as opposed to the 30% of those that reported moderate influence of design on digital CX.

Eighty-three percent of design-led companies currently have tools or systems in place to test ideas with customers. Seventy-eight percent use a defined process for coming up with new digital CX ideas (see Figure 2).

For those at companies where design plays a significant role in digital CX strategy, that number jumps to 87% (versus 64% at companies where design plays a moderate role). Design leaders know that research and the ability to deeply understand the customer are important. They also know the importance of disseminating insights to shape overall strategy and implementation. According to the SVP of CX at a digital transaction management company:

Being truly customer obsessed requires a deep understanding of how customers view your brand across all touchpoints and the ability to connect with them on an emotional level. Design-led companies understand the importance of leveraging design thinking in delivering consistent, seamless experiences across devices and channels to meet the rapidly rising expectations of the perpetually connected consumer.

Silos are a significant challenge for many companies today; a fragmented CX ecosystem thwarts differentiation and inhibits a culture of collaboration and cross-pollination, ultimately preventing a holistic CX strategy. But firms with less differentiated or defined design practices also face other challenges and shortcomings.

Almost one-third (32%) of companies we surveyed cited legacy systems and processes as a challenge when developing or improving a modern or advanced design practice because they impede being lean and agile. A fragmented technology landscape blindfolds employees and executives and stops CX improvements dead in their tracks.2 While legacy systems hinder both groups, design-led firms realize there are tangible business advantages to overcoming those hindrances and prioritize efforts that prove the value of embedding design in CX strategy. This means cultivating a cohesive and connected culture that enables companies to see the customer experience more holistically.

We asked firms about both their in-house staffing and capabilities as well as their third-party and/or contracted employees. Not surprisingly, design-led firms reported more design employees overall than companies not as focused on design in digital CX strategy (see Figure 5). However, design leaders were also far more focused on fostering their own internal talent and capabilities, while design laggards turn to contractors. Moreover, design-led firms staff roles across all levels, from junior designers to creative directors.

This, in particular, is a hallmark of being a design leader in the digital CX space and beyond. Having the right number of design employees is a must, but ensuring the workforce spans roles that focus on tactical elements and visionary and strategic elements is critical. Corporate leadership and employees across the organization must recognize the value of design and champion it within and outside the company. According to one of the design leaders we spoke to:

Overall, companies lagging in design are coming up short. They struggle to keep up with and engage with customers and employees alike, thwarted by fragmented technology ecosystems and processes. Most of all, they are missing out on the very real business advantages of a digital customer experience rooted in design thinking.

Companies that take a design-centric approach to engaging with and delighting customers know the significant business advantages of doing so. Forty-one percent of design leaders reported greater market share as an advantage to having more advanced design practices, and 46% listed competitive advantage/wins as another advantage. Fully half of our design-led respondents reported more satisfied and loyal customers as a benefit of advanced design practices (see Figure 6).

Figure 7 also shows that design-led companies are more likely to invest in tools, services, and training to foster better design. Going back to the challenge of legacy systems and processes, design-led firms are concentrating on overcoming this challenge by focusing on tools that enable collaboration, cross-pollination, innovation, and consistency through design.

Companies hoping to drive customer loyalty and stand out in an increasingly completive landscape filled with a growing number of digital touchpoints and rising customer expectations must put design at the core of their business. Brands should assess their design maturity and follow these recommendations to deliver superior, design-led digital experiences that ultimately drive business results.

For design-led companies, the scope of design incorporates not just visual or interactive design, but research, interactive wireframing, and other processes for uncovering customer needs, planning and mapping customer goals, and executing customer experiences. Make sure your definition of design is not limiting from the start.

As we saw from the survey and interviews, those firms that were design led placed greater emphasis on training, mentorship, and support for design across the organization. And teams that are well supported are better positioned to feed their own stated ambitions for continuous improvement.

Design-led firms know that this is not just a one-department initiative and that success is achieved when a design mentality permeates the organization. To do this requires concerted effort involving hands-on exercises, shared learnings, cross-functional project teams, and vocal advocates.

Our high achievers in the survey considered both short-term needs and long-term aspirations, enabling them to bridge both strategy and practice. To do this requires that companies put dedicated effort to fostering the craft of design as well as a design-thinking approach across the organization.

Design is seen as a strategic differentiator for the organization. Formal design processes are established for marketing, product, and customer experience initiatives. Design is integral to shaping digital CX and is involved at every stage when strategy is being set. Quality of customer experience design is reflected in key performance indicators. The organization has dedicated owners for design at the VP and/or C level. Design teams extend beyond traditional design roles to include design researchers, prototypers, and content strategists.

Formal processes are established and embedded as a standard part of most product and marketing initiatives. The organization has design leaders at the manager and/or director level. Design teams are staffed with skilled graphic and interaction designers.

Design takes place in silos on an ad hoc basis with little consistency and is applied primarily to surface-level considerations (e.g., digital campaigns, graphical styling, basic interface design, etc.) rather than embedded in strategy. The firm has a small number of design practitioners on staff; larger design initiatives are outsourced. be457b7860

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