Our database contains 2 different files for filename social club v1.0.9.5 setup.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name social club v1.0.9.5 setup.exe. This files most often belongs to product Rockstar Games Social Club. and were most often developed by company Rockstar Games . Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 14 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process social club v1.0.9.5 setup.exe.

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Download Social Club V1.0.9.5 Setup 19

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Rockstar Social Club v1.1.9.6 is just launched if you having problems with older versions , just download the latest social club given below. Rockstar social club is necessary to run licensed Gta 5 version, social club is a program to ensure the management of multiplayer in recent Rockstar games. Program and service Rockstar Games Social Club was launched on 27 March 2008. Rockstar Games Social Club received a major update in 2012, before Max Payne 3 release, after which the Social Club received a lot of interesting and useful features, such as sociality, gangs, which allowed to gather in groups and integrate the achievements. Social Club provides certain different functions depending on the type of game. But make sure that you have latest version of RGSC (Rockstar Games Social Club) is Installed or not Below is the Download link of Latest Social club Installer :

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Plotting EpicyclesGalen Gisler, our master of Planetarium Tricks,presented something strange and cool in his planetarium show last Friday.He'd been looking for a way to visualizethe "Venus Pentagram", a regularity where Venus'inferior conjunctions -- the point where Venus is approximatelybetween Earth and the Sun -- follow a cycle of five.If you plot the conjunction positions, you'll see a pentagram,and the sixth conjunction will be almost (but not quite) in thesame place where the first one was.Supposedly many ancient civilizations supposedly knew about thispattern, though as Galen noted (and I'd also noticed when researchingmy Stonehenge talk), the evidence is sometimes spotty.Galen's latest trick: he moved the planetarium's observer locationup above the Earth's north ecliptic pole. Then he told the planetarium tolooked back at the Earth and lock the observer's position so itmoves along with the Earth; then he let the planets move in fast-forward,leaving trails so their motions were plotted.The result was fascinating to watch. You could see the Venus pentagrameasily as it made its five loops toward Earth, and the loops of allthe other planets as their distance from Earth changed over the courseof both Earth's orbits and theirs.You can see the patterns they make at right, with the Venus pentagrammarked (click on the image for a larger version).Venus' orbit is white, Mercury is yellow, Mars is red.If you're wondering why Venus' orbit seems to go inside Mercury's,remember: this is a geocentric model, so it's plotting distance fromEarth, and Venus gets both closer to and farther from Earth than Mercury does.He said he'd shown this to the high school astronomy club and theirreaction was, "My, this is complicated." Indeed.It gives insight into what a difficult problem geocentric astronomershad in trying to model planetary motion, with their epicycles andother corrections.Of course that made me want one of my own. It's neat to watch it inthe planetarium, but you can't do that every day.So: Python, Gtk/Cairo, and PyEphem. It's pretty simple, really.The goal is to plot planet positions as viewed from highabove the north ecliptic pole: so for each time step, for each planet,compute its right ascension and distance (declination doesn't matter)and convert that to rectangular coordinates. Then draw a colored linefrom the planet's last X, Y position to the new one. Save all thecoordinates in case the window needs to redraw.At first I tried using Skyfield, the Python library which is supposedto replace PyEphem (written by the same author). But Skyfield, whileit's probably more accurate, is much harder to use than PyEphem.It uses SPICE kernels(my blog poston SPICE, some SPICEexamples and notes), which means there's no clear documentation orlist of which kernels cover what. I tried the kernels mentioned in theSkyfield documentation, and after running for a while the programdied with an error saying its model for Jupiter in the de421.bsp kernelwasn't good beyond 2471184.5 (October 9 2053).Rather than spend half a day searching for other SPICE kernels,I gave up on Skyfield and rewrote the program to use PyEphem,which worked beautifully and amazed me with how much faster it was: Ihad to rewrite my GTK code to use a timer just to slow it down towhere I could see the orbits as they developed!It's fun to watch; maybe not quite as spacey as Galen's full-dome viewin the planetarium, but a lot more convenient.You need Python 3, PyEphem and the usual GTK3 introspection modules;on Debian-based systems I think the python3-gi-cairo packagewill pull in most of them as dependencies.Plot your own epicycles:epicycles.py.

Los Alamos Raspberry Pi Club Starting Up ThursdayAre you interested in all things Raspberry Pi, or just curious about them?Come join like-minded people this Thursday at 7pm for the inaugural meetingof the Los Alamos Raspberry Pi club!At Los Alamos Makers,we've had the Coder Dojo for Teens going on for over a year now,but there haven't been any comparable programs that welcomes adults.Pi club is open to all ages.The format will be similar to Coder Dojo: no lectures or formalpresentations, just a bunch of people with similar interests.Bring a project you're working on, see what other people are workingon, ask questions, answer questions, trade ideas and share knowledge.Bring your own Pi if you like, or try out one of the Pi 3 workstationsLos Alamos Makers has set up. (If you use one of the workstations there,I recommend bringing a USB stick so you can save your work to take home.)Although the group is officially for Raspberry Pi hacking, I'm suremany attendees will interested in Arduino or other microcontrollers, orBeaglebones or other tiny Linux computers; conversation and projectsalong those lines will be welcome.Beginners are welcome too. You don't have to own a Pi, know a resistorfrom a capacitor, or know anything about programming. I've been askeda few times about where an adult can learn to program. The Raspberry Piwas originally introduced as a fun way to teach schoolchildren toprogram computers, and it includes programming resources suitable toall ages and abilities. If you want to learn programming on your ownlaptop rather than a Raspberry Pi, we won't turn you away.Raspberry Pi Club:Thursdays, 7pm, at Los Alamos Makers, 3540 Orange Street (the old PEEClocation), Suite LV1 (the farthest door from the parking lot -- lookfor the "elevated walkway" painted outside the door).There's a Facebook event:Raspberry Pi clubon Facebook. We have meetings scheduled for the next few Thursdays:December 7, 14, and 21, and after that we'll decide based on interest.

Quickly seeing bird sightings maps on eBirdThe local bird community has gotten me using eBird.It's sort of social networking for birders -- you can report sightings,keep track of what birds you've seen where, and see what other peopleare seeing in your area.The only problem is the user interface for that last part. The data isall there, but asking a question like "Where in this county have peopleseen broad-tailed hummingbirds so far this spring?" is a lengthyprocess, involving clicking through many screens and typing thecounty name (not even a zip code -- you have to type the name).If you want some region smaller than the county, good luck.I found myself wanting that so often that I wrote an entry page for it.My Bird Maps pageis meant to be used as a smart bookmark (also known as bookmarkletsor keyword bookmarks),so you can type birdmap hummingbird or birdmap golden eaglein your location bar as a quick way of searching for a species.It reads the bird you've typed in, and looks through a list ofspecies, and if there's only one bird that matches, it takes youstraight to the eBird map to show you where people have reportedthe bird so far this year.If there's more than one match -- for instance, for birdmap hummingbirdor birdmap sparrow -- it will show you a list of possible matches,and you can click on one to go to the map.Like every Javascript project, it was both fun and annoying to write.Though the hardest part wasn't programming; it was getting a list ofthe nonstandard 4-letter bird codes eBird uses. I had to scrape oneof their HTML pages for that.But it was worth it: I'm finding the page quite useful.How to make a smart bookmarkI think all the major browsers offer smart bookmarks now, but I canonly give details for Firefox.Buthere's a page about using them in Chrome.Firefox has made it increasingly difficult with every release to makesmart bookmarks. There are a few extensions, such as "Add Bookmark Here",which make it a little easier. But without any extensions installed,here's how you do it in Firefox 36:First, go to the birdmap page(or whatever page you want to smart-bookmark) and click on the * buttonthat makes a bookmark. Then click on the = next to the *, and in themenu, choose Show all bookmarks.In the dialog that comes up, find the bookmark you just made (maybe inUnsorted bookmarks?) and click on it.Click the More button at the bottom of the dialog.

(Click on the image at right for a full-sized screenshot.)Now you should see a Keyword entry under the Tags entry in the lower right of that dialog.Change the Location to =%s.Then give it a Keyword of birdmap(or anything else you want to call it).Close the dialog.Now, you should be able to go to your location bar and type:

birdmap common ravenorbirdmap sparrowand it will take you to my birdmap page. If the bird name specifiesjust one bird, like common raven, you'll go straight from there tothe eBird map. If there are lots of possible matches, as with sparrow,you'll stay on the birdmap page so you can choose which sparrow you want.How to change the default locationIf you're not in Los Alamos, you probably want a way to set your owncoordinates. Fortunately, you can; but first you have to get thosecoordinates.Here's the fastest way I've found to get coordinates for a region on eBird:Click "Explore a Region"Type in your region and hit EnterClick on the map in the upper rightThen look at the URL: a part of it should look something like this:env.minX=-122.202087&env.minY=36.89291&env.maxX=-121.208778&env.maxY=37.484802If the map isn't right where you want it, try editing the URL, hittingEnter for each change, and watch the map reload until it points whereyou want it to. Then copy the four parameters and add them to yoursmart bookmark, like this: =%s&minX=-122.202087&minY=36.89291&maxX=-121.208778&maxY=37.484802Note that all of the the "env." have been removed.The only catch is that I got my list of 4-letter eBird codes from aneBird page for New Mexico.I haven't found any way of getting the list for the entire US.So if you want a bird that doesn't occur in New Mexico, my page mightnot find it. If you like birdmap but want to use it in a differentstate, contact me and tell me which stateyou need, and I'll add those birds. be457b7860

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