About me

Born in Sicily in 1995, I grew up on the coastline. 

Eternally charmed by water, I moved to Venice, where I earned my Bachelor's degree in International Trade and my M.Sc. in Global Development and Entrepreneurship, both from Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

During those years, I embarked on various international experiences: I studied in Poland for a semester (Cracow University of Economics), and I did two internships in the United Kingdom - the first in London, where I visited countless museums and parks, and the second in Edinburgh, a city whose libraries and second-hand bookshops stole my heart (and money!).

Near the end of my Master, I won a research grant from VERA Academy (2nd edition) and did an internship at Ca’ Foscari Department of Economics which sparked my interest in research. The field experiment I worked on aimed at investigating the gender gap in the Italian Mathematical Olympiad.
Later, I decided to write my Master's thesis on the project. Being fascinated by the link between economics and psychology, I focused on the role of personality traits in the underrepresentation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

After graduating and gaining professional experience in Human Resources, I decided to continue my academic journey by pursuing a Ph.D. 

What better place for a Mediterranean islander than the Alps? So I moved to Bolzano-Bozen, where I am having a great time at UniBz (staying away from ski trails).