Iuliana Matei

PhD and HDR, University Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne                                                                                                                                                         

Research interests: Applied International Macroeconomics, International Finance & Energy Economics

Email iuliana.matei@univ-paris1.fr

Research topics:          International Macroeconomics & Finance (contagion, financial crisis, yield spreads determinants),

                                                 European Monetary Integration, Applied Econometrics (time series and panel data methods)

                                                 Institutional determinants of FDI & Energy Economics (the energy-growth nexus)

Curriculum vitae

Current position:

2016 – ....                              Teaching/research activities, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Previous positions:

2011 –   2021                      Adjunct professor, IÉSEG School of Management - Paris (on leave)

2007 –  2014           Research Affiliate, CES - University of Paris 1: Development & Globalization team

2010 –  Feb/Sept.            Lecturer, Economics Department, University of Evry

2009 –  May                       Ranked 1st by the Selection Committee for the Assistant Professor position, University of Artois

2007–2008                        Post-doctoral Fellowship, University of Bretagne Occidentale

2005-2007                         Lecturer (ATER), Economics Department, University of Evry

2005–spring                     Visiting Ph.D. scholar, Economics Department, Brown University, USA

2002 – 2005                     Teaching assistant, Faculty of Economics, University of Paris 1

2002 - 2006                      PhD student, TEAM - University of Paris 1 and CNRS


Feb. 2024                        UNC's Qualification for the position of university professor – Section CNU 05

Dec. 2021                        Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

                                              Title : Determinants of Economic Growth: Recent Observations and Prospects

                                              Jury : Pr. Catherine Bruneau (Advisor), Pr. Julien Chevallier, Pr. Gilles Dufrénot, Pr. Mouez Fodha

                                                   Pr. Antonia Lopez-Villavicenzio (President).

2007 -2024                   UNC's Qualification for the position of associate professor  (MCF) – Section CNU 05 (2007  to 2024)

2007 - 2008             Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Bretagne Occidentale

Feb. 2002- 2006       PhD Thesis in Economics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. Title: Pegging the small currencies to the euro;

                                                   Jury:  Prof. Emeritus Antoine de Masson d'Autume, Prof. Emer. Gérard Duchene, DR CNRS Mathilde Maurel,

                                                               Prof. Taoufik Rajhi (Advisor) and Prof. Emer. Dominique Redor. Defended : Dec. 2006.

April - June 2005:       Visiting  PhD student supervised by Professor Emeritus Peter Howitt, Brown University, Economics Department.

2001                                  Master (MSc - DEA) in International and Development Economics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

2000                                  License in International Economics, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Scholarships, Grants and Short‐term research invitations:

2017 - March            IAES, Member of the March Month Berlin    

2015 - Feb.              Institute for Applied Economic Research (IAW), Tübingen

2010 - March            CNRS Spring School on the Evaluation of public policies, Aussois

2007 - 2008              Post-doctoral Fellowship, University of Bretagne Occidentale

2005 - Spring           Ph.D. Scholarship, Brown University, Economics Department, Providence, USA

2000 - 2001              French Government Scholarship for master studies, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


Different research responsabilities:


Participation in Funded Research Projects:

-2023-2024  IBL Grant - Does the price of oil have a lasting effect on the link between inflation and economic growth in the eurozone?..

- 2007-2008 ANR-IFB Grant - CHALOUPE (CHAngement gLObal, dynamiqUe de la biodiversité marine exploitée et viabilité des PEcheries)


Participation in the Scientific Boards:

 2017  -  Member of the 2017 IAES prize Comitee for Best Undergraduate Paper Competition, Montréal, Canada

 2016  -  Member of the 2016 IAES prize Comitee for Best Undergraduate Paper Competition, Washington D.C., USA.

 2001  -  Member of the Organization Conference Committee : The efficiency of military innovation and productivity and their consequence for 

                          broad economic performance,  University of Paris 1 - 14th December 2001.  Coordinators :  Prof. B. Desaigues & Prof. S. Negassi




1 / Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals:


      Publications in International Refereed Journals :

[1]      Matei, I. (2023) "Assessing the impact of pandemic measures on economic growth in a globalizing world: A non-linear panel analysis",  Applied   

            Economics, Vol. 55 (31), DOI:10.1080/00036846.2023.2296371.

[2]     Krifa Schneider, H.,  I. Matei and A. Sattar (2022) "FDI, corruption and financial development around the world: a panel non-linear approach",     

           Economic Modelling, Vol. 110,  May, 105809, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2022.105809.

[3]    Matei, I. (2020) "Is financial development good for economic growth? Empirical insights from Emerging European countries",

           Quantitative Finance and Economics, Special Issue : Finance and Data Science, Vol. 4 (4), pp. 653-678.


[4]    Matei, I. (2016) "The link between energy consumption and economic growth: empirical evidence for Black Sea countries",

             The British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, Vol. 14(1), pp. 1-8.

[5]    Matei, I. and C. Stamin (2016). "Explaining the relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in a dynamic panel 

            model: Are the BRICs countries different?", International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research, Vol 2(7), 183-188.


[6]     Matei, I. (2013) "Government bond market linkages within EMU: evidence from a multivariate Granger causality analysis",

            Economics Bulletin, Vol. 33(3), pp. 1885 - 98, . pdf   

[7]    Matei, I (2013) "Empirical analysis of the links between sovereign bond markets and economic growth for European non- EMU 

          countries", Banks and Bank Systems, Vol. 8(3), pp. 58-71.

[8]     Le Floc'h ,P., I. Matei and T. Mehmet, ( 2012) "Commercial sizes and prices on the French Monkfish fishery: a time series analysis",

           Bruxelles Economic Review, Vol. 55(1), pp. 97-115.

[9]     Matei , I. (2010). "Contagion and causality: an empirical analysis on sovereign bond spreads",  Economics Bulletin

            Vol 30 (3): 1885-1896, .pdf

[10]      Krifa-Schneider, H. and I. Matei, (2010) "Business climate, political risk and FDI in developing countries: evidence from panel data",

             International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 2(5), pp. 54-65, .pdf


[11]    Matei, I. (2009) "Testing for price convergence: how close are EU New Member States to euro zone?", Economics Bulletin,

            Vol. 29 (4): 3083-94, .pdf.


Publications in National Refereed Journals :

[12]      Matei, I. (2021) "Does pandemic risk affect yield spreads in the EMU?", International Economics/Economie Internationale



[13]      Matei, I. (2017) "Is there a link between Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth? A dynamic panel investigation for 

               the OECD countries", Revue d'économie politique, Vol. (127(6), pp. 985-1012


[14]      Matei, I. (2014) "Finance as a driver of growth? Evidence for EU countries", Revue d'économie politique, Vol. 124 (4), pp. 571-586.


[15]       Héricourt, J. and I. Matei, (2007) "Transmission de la politique monétaire dans les PECO: que savons-nous vraiment?",

                Économie et Prévision, Vol. 180 -181, pp 221-238, . pdf.


     2/ Working papers (ongoing to submit/submitted/in revision):

2024     Does political instability matter for sovereign yield spreads in the Euro area market?  (with A. Cheptea)

 Working papers:

2020   Does energy consumption stimulate economic growth? Empirical evidence for EU countries

2019    Développement financier et croissance éco. : une étude empirique pour les pays de l’Amérique du Sud (with Y. Titova) 

3/ Works in progress :

*  Revisiting the debt – growth nexus: Empirical evidence for EU countries

*  Is there a link between Financial Development and Economic Growth in the South American Countries? (with Y. Titova)

*  Does renewable energy consumption and inflation matter for economic growth in EU countries?

*  The Environmental Kuznets Curve: does the quality of institutions matter in EU? 

4 / Chapters in books :

2024   Bruneau, C., Eraud, A. & Matei, I. “Exploring the nonlinear relationship between economic growth and its main drivers over the last 

               decade in EU: Evidence from a panel smooth transition regression”, Invited Submission, Editeurs: Prof. Peter Chen and 

               As. Prof. Muhammad Shahzad Nazir, IntechOpen.

2022    Matei, I. “Environmental Kuznets Curve: Empirical evidence from OECD Countries”, Book Title –  Energy Consumption,

               Conversion, Storage, and Efficiency, Ed.: Prof. Jiajun Xu, IntechOpen .

2019 Matei I. ”Sovereign debt crisis and economic growth: new evidence from euro area” In ”Handbook Apllied Econometrics,   

                Financial Mathematics, Volatility and Covariance Modelling", Eds. Julien Chevallier, Stéphane Goutte, David Guerreiro, S         

                Sophie Saglio, Bilel Sanhaji,Routledge Advances in Applied Financial Econometrics Publishing, Ch. 6, Vol. 2, pp. 145-169.


2015 Matei, I., "Are price dynamics homogenous across Emerging Europe? Empirical evidence from panel data”, 

                International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics in Monetary Policy in the Context of Financial Crisis;   

                  W. Barnett and and F.  Jawadi, Emerald Publishing.Ltd, Vol. 24, pp. 41-50.


2014      Matei, I., "Finance and Growth Causality: empirical evidence for Emerging Europe", Market Microstructure and Nonlinear 

  Dynamics - Keeping Financial Crisis in Context, Eds: Gille Dufrénot, F. Jawadi & W. Louhichi, Springer Publishing, Vol. pp. 189-203


2012     Matei, I., Cheptea, A., "Sovereign bond spread drivers in the EU market in the aftermath of the global financial crisis”, chapter      

                 in book Advances in Econometrics: Essays in honor of Jerry Hausman, Eds: Badi H. Baltagi, Whitney K. Newey, Halbert L. White

  & R . Carter Hill, Chapter 12, Vol. 29, pp.327-352.

2012     Matei, I. "Euro zone bond market and economic growth: a time series analysis”, chapter in book Recent Developments in          

                 Alternative Finance: Empirical Assessments and Econ. Implications, Eds: W. Barnett and F. Jawadi, Emerald Publishing, Vol. 22: 39-51

2011      Matei I. ”Contagion et causalité: une investigation empirique”, chapter in book Les enseignements de la crise des subprimes, in A.

                 Diemer  et S. Dozolme, Editions Clément Juglar, pp. 203-211.


2010    Matei, I., European Exchange rate credibility: an empirical analysis”, chapter in Nonlinear Modeling of Economic and Financial 

                Time-Series,  Vol. 020 (chapter 5), Eds.William Barnett & F. Jawadi, International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics

2007      Héricourt J. & I. Matei,”Impact des chocs monétaires dans les Pays de l'Europe Centrale et Orientale: Quelles implications pour

  l’adoption de l’euro?” in, Krifa-Schneider, L’élargissement européen: quels enjeux et défis majeurs?, Paris: L’Harmattan, 89-109.

5 / Oldies (procedings, working papers...): 

2016    "Political Risk and FDI in developing and transition countries" (with H. Krifa-Schneider)

2011     "Regulation, institutions and FDI: An Empirical Study" (with Krifa-Schneider, H., Verbeke, T), Proceedings of 72th IAES Conference   

                Washington DC, 20-23 October.

2009    "Prices and output co-movements: an empirical investigation for the CEECs", Les Cahiers de recherche de l'ESCE, No. 11, pp. 283-305.

2008    "Capital dynamics under long-term changes in marine fish communities: the case of French fleets exploiting..” in, Proceedings of

     the  14th Conf. of the Inter'nal Institute of Fisheries Econ. and Trade IIFET (with Le Floc'h P., O. Thébaud, Daurès F., Jezequel ). pdf


2005       "Crise et contagion: cas des Pays de l'Europe de l'Est" (avec M. Ben Abdallah) Cahiers de la MSE, Série Blanche # 2005.44 . pdf

Referee reports:  Applied Economics, Annals of Operations Research, Economics of TransitionEconometrics, Economic Modelling,  

                                          Empirical Economics, Emerging Markets Review, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 

                                          Bankers Markets and Investors, Economics Bulletin, Economie Internationale/International Economics, International 

                                           Review of Applied Economics, Non-linear Dynamics and Econometrics, Advances in Econometrics - Essays in Honor 

                                          of Jerry Hausman (Emerald Pub.), Research in Business and Management, Alternative Finance (Emerald Publishing), 

                                          Handbook: Market microstructure & non-linear dynamics (Springer Pub), Cogent Economics & Finance, Asian Basic 

                                          and Applied Research Journal, Sustainability, Journal of Multinational Financial Management.


Other referee activities:

Referee/Discussant for international conferences such as:

-  the International Atlantic Economic Society (IAES 2023, Rome, IAES 2022 Washington DC, Virtual IAES:  Europe 2022, Europe 2021, IAES 2020 Rome/Washington DC, 

IAES 2019, Athènes, IAES 2018 London, IAES 2017 Montréal, IAES 2016 Washington DC);  the INFINITI Conferences (2019, Glasgow, 2018 Poznań;  2017 Valencia;  2016 Dublin; 2015 Ljubljana),  the EcoMod 2019 Conference.

Research Supervision activities :

PhD Thesis  Co-Supervision :  University Paris 1

Master Thesis Supervision : IESEG Paris & Lille, University of Paris 1

Master Thesis Committees: IESEG Paris & Lille, University of Lille 1


Teaching Experience:

2016 -  2024 University of Paris 1, Teaching activities : Financial Econometrics (graduate )

2016 -  2021 IÉSEG Paris, Adjunct professor: Optimization methods (undergraduate)

2011 -   2021 IÉSEG Paris, Adjunct professor: macroeconomics, applied mathematics in economics, econometrics (undergraduate)

2012 -  2021 IÉSEG Paris, Adjunct professor: descriptive statistics and probabilities (undergraduate)

2009 - 2010 Rouen Business School, External lecturer: international finance (graduate)

2009 - 2010 University of Evry val d'Essonne, Assistant professor: econometrics, statistic (undergraduate)

2007 - 2008     ISG Paris, External lecturer: macroeconomics, international economics (undergraduate)

2005 - 2007 University of Evry, Assistant professor: introduction in financial theories, economic methods (undergraduate)

2002 - 2005     University of Paris 1, Teaching assistant: macroeconomics, mathematics, financial mathematics  (undergraduate)

Useful Links to:

Qualité  de la recherche - CNU 05  

Institutions: CEPII, CEPR, IMF, NBER, World Bank

My external pages : http://facebook.com/imatei.univparis1.economics

Co-author's pages Angela Cheptea, Tom Verbeke, Le Floc'h, Mehmet Tuncel etc.

My master professor's webpages : Jean-Claude Berthélemy (Economics development) , Jean-Pierre Laffargue (Macroeconomics), Taoufik Rajhi

(Applied econometrics to emerging markets), Lionel Fontagné (International Trade), Patrick Artus (International Financial Crisis), Ann E. Harrison (Topics in International Economics and Development), Guillermo Hillcoat (Regional economic integration), Jean- Louis Mucchielli (FDI),  Thierry Mayer (Economic geography), Marc Gurgand (Econometrics).

Last updated: 24/09/2024