Prayer Activities

Prayer Routine

Have a family discussion and talk about the importance of prayer. As a family, decide on a prayer routine. Choose a time, place, and whether this will be a group prayer or individual prayer time. Begin today and practice praying each day!

Here are a few suggested times (but certainly not all!)

  • Before a meal

  • When you first wake up

  • At bedtime

  • In the bath/ shower

  • In the car

  • While washing your hands

Prayer Wall

In faith formation, students made a large mobile prayer wall to be displayed around the church. As people walked by, they could write or draw the name of a person, object, or event that they wanted to pray for on a sticky note and stick it onto the board.

Idea #1: Make your family prayer wall. This can look like a large piece of construction paper, a dry erase board, or any other surface you have available. Have family members write or draw on sticky notes or pieces of scrap paper and stick them onto the board!

Idea #2: Add to our Virtual Prayer Wall! This link will lead you to a padlet where you can type and share your prayers with the Immanuel community. To add a prayer, click the plus sign at the bottom right corner of the screen. Make your prayer, and it will be added to the Virtual Prayer Wall in real time. (Note- you can even add drawings to our padlet!)

Step-by-Step Prayer

This activity gives students step-by-step instructions on how to write their very own prayer! Spread the footprint prompts out on the floor and with each footstep, add a new section to your prayer. As you finish, read the whole prayer all together. When students did this activity in Faith Formation, we worked in groups. Complete this activity as a family and let your children guide you through the process of writing a prayer.

The attached document contains ready to go footprints that you can print and cut. Another option is to cut a shape (doesn't have to be a footprint) and write the prompts in yourself. Printable Footprints