OS10 on Dell S4048-ON

Installing a new NOS using DHCP and HTTP via ONIE:

In this example, we will use OS10 as the NOS and the Dell S4048-ON as the hardware platform.

We will have the switch and our combined DHCP and HHTP server in the same L2 subnet, to make this first example as simple as possible.

First we need to install the isci dhcp service on our box.

We need to setup an address space to distribute, the dhcp server and the switch need to be in the same subnet. In my examples, the dhcp server has an additional interface with IP address that is plugged into the switch vlan.

Here is the example config I added to the default config file:

subnet netmask {



Regarding the HTTP Server, we installed Apache2, and put the switch image into the default webroot(/var/www/html).

Then we created a copy of the firmware image named "ONIE-installer". The switch will look automatically in the webroot of the dhcp server for a file with this name. This is the most trivial way of naming the file, given your needs there are options to name it more precise referencing the hardware. But as we currently only have the one system to install from this webserver we can use the generic name.

It is a good idea to put a test html document onto the webroot and access it from remote to make sure that everything works from a remote server, and permissions are set correctly.

ONIE will automatically, without any configuration, look for this file on the webroot of the dhcp server address, so there is no additional configuration necessary.

This is all we need to do on the infrastructure side, now we can start install the image from the webserver.

First, lets do a reload and check whether the DHCP Server assigns a correct IP address, and the image is accessible from the switch:


We can now access ONIE to proceed installation


And select Install OS on the next screen


As we can see, the switch tried to configure eth0 and eth1. eth0 got assigned, eth1 failed as it was not plugged in. The switch will use eth0 to proceed with the installation.


Here we can see that the image was found and fetched. As there was already an operating system installed, ONIE denied the installation. We will need to uninstall the existing OS first, which we will do after the next reboot


We will acess ONIE again:


And this time select Uninstall OS:


ONIE removed the OS and cleared all partitions from the file system. The switch then automatically reboots.

We will select the Install option this time


The OS got installed, and the machine reboots again. Now we will boot into the newly installed OS.


We see the new OS is installed, and we can now boot it up!


Now the switch booted OS10 up, and presents us a CLI prompt. We are also forced to change the password after first login:
