iTWIST: international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between low-complexity data models and Sensing Techniques
CIRM, Marseille, France. 21 - 23 November, 2018
- 06/12/19: The 2020 edition of iTWIST will take place in Nantes, France from June 24th to 26th, 2020. A 2-day doctoral school will precede the workshop, on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd, June 2020. More information can be found on the iTWIST 2020 website:
- 21/12/18: The iTWIST'18 proceedings are officially out (link)! Enjoy! (and thank you arXiv)
- 23/11/18: The iTWIST'18 organizing committee thanks all participants for their involvement in the success of this fourth iTWIST edition. Looking forward to meeting you again for the fifth! Discover below the iTWIST'18 group picture (click on it to get a higher resolution image)!
- 28/11/18: All #itwist18 tweets, including a few pictures, are available here.
Aims of the iTWIST workshop series
The advent of increased computing capabilities, along with recent theoretical and numerical breakthroughs in the fields of signal processing, computational harmonic analysis, inverse problem solving, high-dimensional statistics and convex optimization, have boosted interactions between low-complexity data models (e.g., sparse or low-rank data models) and novel data sensing techniques.
In a nutshell, low-complexity data models aim at capturing, modeling and exploiting “just the information you need” in the ubiquitous data deluge characterizing any scientific or technological achievements. High dimensional objects can be thus reconstructed using little information. However, further developments and novel ideas are still required to meet new challenges, especially for efficiently dealing with complex data structures of "real life" applications and for interconnecting such models with other theoretical and applied fields.
The iTWIST workshop aims at fostering collaboration between international scientific teams for developing new theories, applications and generalizations of low-complexity models. This is why this event emphasizes dissemination of ideas through both specific oral/poster presentations and free discussions.
For this edition, ITWIST will be divided into two parts, a 2-day doctoral school, followed by the actual workshop for three days.
Topics of the workshop
For his 4th edition, iTWIST’18 will feature 8 invited talks (see below) and will have slots for about 40 oral and poster presentation. The workshop therefore welcomes 2-page paper submissions on any aspects of the following themes :
- Application of low-complexity models in non-convex/non-linear inverse problems such as phase retrieval, blind deconvolution, blind calibration, or dictionary learning.
- Machine learning, deep learning, compressive statistical learning and generalized high-dimensional inference of low-complexity statistical models.
- Optimization methods for recovering low-complexity data representations (e.g., low-rank or tensor decomposition).
- Information theory, high-dimensional (convex) geometry and randomness.
- Novel definition of low-complexity models (discrete-valued signals, co-sparsity, mixed/group norm, model-based, tensor/manifold models).
- Sensing and processing of low-complexity signals on manifolds and graphs.
- Complexity and accuracy tradeoffs in numerical methods/optimization.
- Simulation and/or developments of novel electronic/optical compressive sensors.
Plenary speakers:
(See this page for the description of the plenary lectures)
- Laurent Daudet (Institut Langevin, Paris)
- Mike Davies (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Simon Foucart (Texas A&M University, USA)
- Deanna Needell (UCLA, USA)
Gitta Kutyniok(TU Berlin, Germany)- Ben Adcock (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
- Sjoerd Dirksen (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
- Ulugbek Kamilov (Washington University, USA)
Important Dates
- April, 1st: 2-page paper submission opens
- April, 23th: opening of the "application form" for the doctoral school (see here)
June, 15th: June 22th,
- Pre-registration opens at reduced price
- Paper submission ends
- Last day to apply to the doctoral school
- July, 3rd: Notification of acceptance to the doctoral school
- August, 22th: Confirmation of accepted papers
- September, 9th:
- Final manuscript due
- Pre-registration (i.e., with reduced fees) closes
- September, 24th: Registration closes
- November, 19th-20th: Doctoral School
- November, 21st-23rd: Workshop
iTWIST'18 will be organized in the "Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques" (CIRM) that is located inside the Campus of Luminy 10 km away from the Vieux Port in the South-East of Marseille.
Next edition:
- iTWIST'20, Nantes, France