
 Image Quality Assessment

We aim to develop algorithms, that are capable to automatically detecting low quality medical images using deep learning techniques. The success of such image quality techniques can increase of the image analysis pipelines dramatically and overcome the tedious labelling task. 

Selection of Publications

Faster Image Acquisition

We aim to develop algorithms, that are capable to generate robust image reconstructions using deep learning techniques. The success of such image reconstruction techniques can enable faster image acquisitions and reduce the MR scan times dramatically. This can reduce the average cost of an MRI scan without reducing the diagnostic quality of final images. The deployment of such techniques in clinical setup can generate and efficient pipeline for image acquisition.

Selection of Publications

End-to-End Image Analysis 

End-to-end deep learning frameworks can be used as a global image reconstructors.  Our goal is to generate high quality data to address the tasks of artefact correction and downstream segmentation. Our fundamental task is image artefact detection, correction and segmentation jointly, resulting in a network architecture that can output both good quality image reconstructions and segmentations.  We aim to have a single framework for clinical use, which can be used for task specific image acquisition.

Selection of Publications

Electricity Price Forecasting

We aim to develop accurate machine learning models to enable sensitive predictions in time series data. The fundamental goal is to address the challenging the nature of electricity price data due to high volatility and sharp spikes. Our main application fields are the intraday and day-ahead electricity price markets.

Selection of Publications

Journal Publications

Conference Publications