Family Sharing makes it easy for up to six family members to share music, movies, TV shows, apps, books, subscriptions including iCloud+, and more, all without sharing an Apple ID.1 You can set up an Apple ID for kids, set permissions remotely with Screen Time, and approve spending and downloads from a parent's device with Ask to Buy.2 You can also set up Apple Cash for a child or teen, or set them up with an Apple Watch.

To test this, I set up two Windows7 machines side by side connected by wired ethernet through an unmanaged switch. I installed iTunes 11 on each of them, and turned on Home Sharing. The installation of iTunes automatically added windows firewall rules to allow inbound traffic from Bonjour and iTunes, but at that point iTunes Home Sharing did not work: the two computers each showed that it was connected to the other's library, but the shared libraries could not be loaded so no tracks were visible. However, turning off the Windows firewalls instantly made iTunes library sharing work perfectly. Turning the firewall back on made it stop working.

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After I added those rules, iTunes home sharing suddenly worked perfectly. I did not have to reboot nor did I restart iTunes -- as soon as I opened all the ports, the shared libraries appeared and I was able to play and transfer songs.

I then disabled the rules one by one and tested library sharing after each change. Everything kept working perfectly until I disabled port 3689 TCP. As soon as I disabled that port, everything stopped working. When I re-enabled it, everything worked again. Based on this test, I can report definitively that inbound port TCP 3689 must be open in order for iTunes Home Sharing to load a shared library and play or transfer songs, and that none of the other rules appeared to have any immediate effect on iTunes Home Sharing.

**Note** -- I made sure my two machines were directly connected through a switch. There was no router between them, and neither machine was connected by a wireless connection. That's because all I wanted to do was to know for sure what firewall settings were required and prove that Library sharing could work if the firewall rules were set properly.

- Connection the Apple TV directly to the computer via ethernel cable on isolated network is not accurate test because Home Sharing requires internet connection at ALL time, even after enabling it. I enable home sharing on iTunes and Apple TV, tested communication OK, can browse iTunes library. Then; I cabled Apple TV / computer via ethernet (no WiFi ie no internet connection), Apple TV was not able to reconnect to the iTunes library anymore

"this itunes account is set up to use family sharing with a different iCloud account than ." Then there is a Learn More link that takes me to my iCloud and shows my family group with the same Apple ID as the organizer.

As a side note, even though each family member has their own apple id defined for iTunes purchases (with perhaps their own credit card details), I think that the organizer of the family sharing plan is the one who pays for everything. For example, my husband has his own apple id for iTunes, but it's going to use my id for purchases if I'm the family sharing organizer.

Basically, I'm unable to see files that are sent to iTunes from the iPad. The ipad is connected to the PC, I select the file I want to send from the appropriate app, and then "send to iTunes". The file never appears under the app that sent if from the file sharing section of the device in iTunes. Even forcing another sync doesn't help either.

Here's the strange thing, if I unplug the iPad, then reconnect it, go back to file sharing page in iTunes, and click on the appropriate app, the files show. However, if I click onto another app in the file sharing list and back to the original one, the files have disappeared.

Finally, just to confuse matters further, the reverse is also true. Adding a file to the file sharing section doesn't appear in the list, and the iPad can't see it - until I unplug and reconnect again. After that, same issues happen as already described.

Basically file sharing stops working if you click on more than two or three apps in the file sharing list. The work around is to disconnect the iOS device and reconnect it. Then make sure to click only the app you want to transfer to/from. If the document list goes blank, disconnect and reconnect again.

Well, back in 2014/iOS 8, Apple was asking devs to use the 'contracts, tax & banking' section in iTunes Connect to enable 'family sharing', and there are iTC FAQ answers about family sharing today, but I've never seen a way (no checkbox for it) to do what they say.

i want to use the "file sharing" feature in my app. I want to create a photo-app which has no content when the user starts it. Therefore the user can select an image-folder on his mac or pc. After that and starting the app on his iphone or ipad, all the content of his image-folder will be viewable.

Since the iTunes interface for handling file sharing is very poorly designed, is is worth recalling the tricks that you can use to perform operations on the File Sharing space, that iTunes does not provide a button for:

I am still hoping some of our more experienced members/Moderators will review your post here, but while we're can still contact Tech Support and they may be able to get your issues resolved in the interim. Aside from the information shown at the link I provided in my last reply, I have not been able to find much else on the site which might be of help to you. (I use itunes on my own computer, but unfortunately, not the TV/Movies part).

Just wanted to say thanks for the solution. I must have never gotten a notification. Home sharing has been giving me problems for the last few weeks so I googled and my own thread was the first to come up. I enabled ICMP Pings and everything is back to normal. Cheers.

Also, we each have digital movies purchased through our individual iTunes accounts for travel. Probably about 20-25 on mine. His has a bit more that we bought to try to feel out how we like the digital library & is linked to a moviesanywhere account. If I turn on family sharing on iTunes, he will have access to my iTunes movies. So will the movies I bought on iTunes then be available on his moviesanywhere account?

By chance I figured out a workaround. Turn on Media Sharing and Home Sharing on the M1 Mac. Now I can see the Mac mini shared library although I really prefer to not clutter up things by sharing a useless M1 Mac library on my network.

I now have a new NAS and it has iTunes sharing available. Because I have an iPhone, I would like to sync it with both machines. Will the shared iTunes library functionality on my NAS be able to sync from the NAS to the iPhone?

When you select a shared library, it will take a moment for it to be loaded. This will only take seconds if you have a relatively small library. However, if you are sharing a huge library, this can take much longer.

but then again: iTunes has incorporated Digital Rights management for buyed music and is probably not built to share music across all Users (could be also a public machine, thus enhancing the sharing of copyrighted material)

Does Apple even make ipods anymore? An Apple specialist advised me to buy an iphone 7 256 GB phone to use it as a player. Moving music from itunes to my iphone 6 plus cell phone or my iphon/ipod 7 player is truly an afternoon of work and failure. I get notices in grey-ed out songs that my region won't allow me to play it, even tho I own it! Really frustrating.

We run an L2TP-over-IPSEC VPN at home to allow remote access to our data and computers. On my server, I'm running forked-daapd, an itunes daap server for Linux. It's a great tool and I would really suggest checking it out.

The issue will eventually get fixed by Apple, but for now, iMazing is as far as we know the only iOS file transfer tool to work around the bug. File transfer is 100% free in iMazing 2.2, so if you're experiencing the issue with iTunes, simply use iMazing instead - no registration required, 100% free file transfers to file sharing apps.

DAAP is one of two media sharing schemes that Apple has currently released. The other, Digital Photo Access Protocol (DPAP), is used by iPhoto for sharing images. They both rely on an underlying protocol, Digital Media Access Protocol (DMAP).

Beginning with iTunes 4.2, Apple introduced authentication to DAAP sharing, meaning that the only clients that could connect to iTunes servers were other instances of iTunes. This was further modified in iTunes 4.5 to use a custom hashing algorithm, rather than the standard MD5 function used previously. Both authentication methods were successfully reverse engineered within months of release.[4]

Note: Users may be able to transfer content via Open-in or Share extensions to unmanaged apps on unenrolled devices or enrolled devices that allow sharing to unmanaged apps. Transferred data is encrypted by Intune and unreadable by unmanaged apps. Policy managed apps with OS sharing: Only allow data transfer to other policy managed apps, as well as file transfers to other MDM managed apps on enrolled devices. Note: The Policy managed apps with OS sharing value is applicable to MDM enrolled devices only. If this setting is targeted to a user on an unenrolled device, the behavior of the Policy managed apps value applies. Users will be able to transfer unencrypted content via Open-in or Share extensions to any application allowed by the iOS MDM allowOpenFromManagedtoUnmanaged setting, assuming the sending app has the IntuneMAMUPN and IntuneMAMOID configured; for more information, see How to manage data transfer between iOS apps in Microsoft Intune. See -Profile-Reference.pdf for more information on this iOS/iPadOS MDM setting.Policy managed apps with Open-In/Share filtering: Allow transfer only to other policy managed apps, and filter OS Open-in/Share dialogs to only display policy managed apps. To configure the filtering of the Open-In/Share dialog, it requires both the app(s) acting as the file/document source and the app(s) that can open this file/document to have the Intune SDK for iOS version 8.1.1 or above. Note: Users may be able to transfer content via Open-in or Share extensions to unmanaged apps if Intune private data type is supported by the app. Transferred data is encrypted by Intune and unreadable by unmanaged apps.

Spotlight search (enables searching data within apps) and Siri shortcuts are blocked unless set to All apps. This policy can also apply to iOS/iPadOS Universal Links. General web links are managed by the Open app links in Intune Managed Browser policy setting. There are some exempt apps and services to which Intune may allow data transfer by default. In addition, you can create your own exemptions if you need to allow data to transfer to an app that doesn't support Intune APP. See data transfer exemptions for more information.All appsSelect apps to exemptThis option is available when you select Policy managed apps for the previous option.Select universal links to exemptSpecify which iOS/iPadOS Universal Links should open in the specified unmanaged application instead of the protected browser specified by the Restrict web content transfer with other apps setting. You must contact the application developer to determine the correct universal link format for each application.Select managed universal linksSpecify which iOS/iPadOS Universal Links should open in the specified managed application instead of the protected browser specified by the Restrict web content transfer with other apps setting. You must contact the application developer to determine the correct universal link format for each application.Save copies of org dataChoose Block to disable the use of the Save As option in this app. Choose Allow if you want to allow the use of Save As. When set to Block, you can configure the setting Allow user to save copies to selected services. 

Note:This setting is supported for Microsoft Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, and Microsoft Edge. It can also be supported by third-party and LOB apps.This setting is only configurable when the setting tag_hash_127___________________________ is set to tag_hash_128___________________, tag_hash_129___________________________________ or tag_hash_130________________________________________________.This setting will be "Allow" when the setting tag_hash_131___________________________ is set to tag_hash_132________. This setting will be "Block" with no allowed service locations when the setting tag_hash_133___________________________ is set to tag_hash_134____. AllowAllow user to save copies to selected servicesUsers can save to the selected services (OneDrive for Business, SharePoint, Photo Library, and Local Storage). All other services are blocked. OneDrive for Business: you can save files to OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online. SharePoint: you can save files to on-premises SharePoint. Photo Library: You can save files to photo library locally. Local Storage: managed apps can save copies of org data locally. This does NOT include saving files to the local unmanaged locations such as the Files app on the device.0 selectedTransfer telecommunication data toTypically, when a user selects a hyperlinked phone number in an app, a dialer app will open with the phone number prepopulated and ready to call. For this setting, choose how to handle this type of content transfer when it is initiated from a policy-managed app:None, do not transfer this data between apps: Don't transfer communication data when a phone number is detected.A specific dialer app: Allow a specific dialer app to initiate contact when a phone number is detected.Any dialer app: Allow any dialer app to be used to initiate contact when a phone number is detected. Note: This setting requires Intune SDK 12.7.0 and later. If your apps rely on dialer functionality and aren't using the correct Intune SDK version, as a workaround, consider adding "tel;telprompt" as a data transfer exemption. Once the apps support the correct Intune SDK version, the exemption can be removed.Any dialer appDialer App URL SchemeWhen a specific dialer app has been selected, you must provide the dialer app URL scheme that is used to launch the dialer app on iOS devices. For more information, see Apple's documentation about Phone Links.BlankReceive data from other appsSpecify what apps can transfer data to this app: All apps: Allow data transfer from any app.None: Don't allow data transfer from any app, including other policy-managed apps.Policy managed apps: Allow transfer only from other policy-managed apps.All apps with incoming Org data: Allow data transfer from any app. Treat all incoming data without a user identity as data from your organization. The data will be marked with the MDM enrolled user's identity as defined by the IntuneMAMUPN setting.Note: The All apps with incoming Org data value is applicable to MDM enrolled devices only. If this setting is targeted to a user on an unenrolled device, the behavior of the Any apps value applies. Multi-identity MAM enabled applications will attempt to switch to an unmanaged account when receiving unmanaged data if this setting is configured to None or Policy managed apps. If there's no unmanaged account signed into the app or the app is unable to switch, the incoming data will be blocked.

All appsOpen data into Org documentsSelect Block to disable the use of the Open option or other options to share data between accounts in this app. Select Allow if you want to allow the use of Open. 

When set to Block you can configure the Allow user to open data from selected services to specific which services are allowed for Org data locations.

Note:This setting is only configurable when the setting tag_hash_163____________________________ is set to tag_hash_164___________________.This setting will be "Allow" when the setting tag_hash_165____________________________ is set to tag_hash_166________ or tag_hash_167_______________________________. This setting will be "Block" with no allowed service locations when the setting tag_hash_168____________________________ is set to tag_hash_169____.The following apps support this setting:OneDrive 11.45.3 or later.Outlook for iOS 4.60.0 or later.Teams for iOS 3.17.0 or later.AllowAllow users to open data from selected servicesSelect the application storage services that users can open data from. All other services are blocked. Selecting no services will prevent users from opening data from external locations.

Note: This control is designed to work on data that is outside of the corporate container.

Supported services:OneDrive for BusinessSharePoint OnlineCameraPhoto Library Note: Camera doesn't include Photos or Photo Gallery access. When selecting Photo Library in the Allow users to open data from selected services setting within Intune, you can allow managed accounts to allow incoming data from their device's photo library to their managed apps.All selectedRestrict cut, copy and paste between other appsSpecify when cut, copy, and paste actions can be used with this app. Select from: Blocked: Don't allow cut, copy, and paste actions between this app and any other app.Policy managed apps: Allow cut, copy, and paste actions between this app and other policy-managed apps.Policy managed with paste in: Allow cut or copy between this app and other policy-managed apps. Allow data from any app to be pasted into this app.Any app: No restrictions for cut, copy, and paste to and from this app.Any appCut and copy character limit for any appSpecify the number of characters that may be cut or copied from Org data and accounts. This will allow sharing of the specified number of characters to any application, regardless of the Restrict cut, copy, and paste with other apps setting.Default Value = 0Note: Requires app to have Intune SDK version 9.0.14 or later.0Third party keyboardsChoose Block to prevent the use of third-party keyboards in managed applications.When this setting is enabled, the user receives a one-time message stating that the use of third-party keyboards is blocked. This message appears the first time a user interacts with organizational data that requires the use of a keyboard. Only the standard iOS/iPadOS keyboard is available while using managed applications, and all other keyboard options are disabled. This setting will affect both the organization and personal accounts of multi-identity applications. This setting doesn't affect the use of third-party keyboards in unmanaged applications.Note: This feature requires the app to use Intune SDK version 12.0.16 or later. Apps with SDK versions from 8.0.14 to, and including, 12.0.15, won't have this feature correctly apply for multi-identity apps. For more details, see Known issue: Third party keyboards aren't blocked in iOS/iPadOS for personal accounts.AllowNote 2351a5e196

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