Session Info

In this session educators will learn how to Hack their STEM program using computational thinking in conjunction with phenomenon-based learning experiences. Through this hands on approach, educators experience the value of using digital tools and everyday materials to bring learning to life while operating on a budget of $0 and no guarantee of a classroom!

Participants will…

  • learn how their current STEM curriculum can be transformed by project-based lessons
  • learn how to use simple and free materials and tools to bring learning to life
  • learn how to access lesson plans, supply lists, and many project ideas

The slidedeck is available here.

ITEC 2019 STEM is F.U.N.

Let's assume this is all of us!

How do we create ideal learning conditions against the odds?

Chopped TV Show

We will modify the show to meet our learning needs!

Here are your ingredients!

With our limited time together let's explore with the following elements.

3D Design, Electronics, Codeblocks

Scratch, HTML, Python, Raspberry Pi, Sense Hat, Sonic Pi, Micro:bit

Too robust but projects from Space, NGSS, Brain, LEGO, robotics, weather, skill developmenet, bite sized activities, and more

Create your own video games with opportunities to build joysticks and handheld devices.

Quick basic materials, quickly come up with maker activities to challenge thinking.

Possibilities are endless while using free and easily accessible materials.

Let's Get Our Grub On!

You will pick one of these six options and attempt to learn and make in the short time we have together.

Group together by interest and see what you can do with the creative constraints of time and materials.

Some clarification

Below are some specifics to each choice so that you have a success in completing an idea within the time constraints of the session.

Pick a pathway(3D Design, Electronics, Codeblocks) and head to the LEARN page and complete a tutorial or two.

Pick one you have access to which is probably Scratch, HTML, Python, Sonic Pi, Micro:bit(use simulator in MakeCode) and complete a tutorial.

Due to time attempt to complete the flashlight build. Materials are available

I would start with the Chase the Pizza, but feel free to complete any of the tutorials.

Complete this particular challenge as materials are provided for this one.

While we don't have pizza boxes we do have materials to get you started.

Be sure to follow guide for battery first and then create whatever you like!

Share Our Learning

Please share you learned and created. We know time is short and our work is far from perfect, but please share so that those that did not do your project can learn and be inspired.

Head to this Flipgrid and share

Think about what elements of STEM

Now what?

How will you take what you learned back to your classroom?

Bonus Ideas

One of my favorite resources for learning and ideas


$25.99 for 6 print + online issues work, for US subscriptions

Promo Code IowaSTEM. The URL to use is here:

Also, if you have not seen, we set up a brochure site at that allows people to browse the current issue and a few back issues, as well as learn about the magazine. The online version of the magazine is still at but the URL probably is the best for people interested to explore the magazine to see if it's a fit.

Kano Open Source

Download their content to SD Card and use for free on any Rasp. Pi

Built-in sensors found in every Smartphone or Tablet will allow students to experiment in real time!

2018 25 Days of Making

Last year I hosted a 25 Days of Making where expert makers from all over the world shared a project for teachers to use in the classroom.

So many wonderful ideas that can be remixed used. If you do PLEASE share with me!

2019 25 Days of Making

Coming soon starting November/December 2019.

Check the blog for updates