Dynamic Webpage for IT Courses offered by KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY


Mission of the project

Our project focuses on developing a user-friendly Course Profile Website for the BSIT program at Kennesaw State University. This centralized hub facilitates seamless access to detailed course information, permanent schedules, resources, and coordinator profiles for students, faculty, and administrators. Leveraging thoughtfully designed RESTful API endpoints, the system ensures efficient creation, retrieval, and management of course-related data. This initiative aims to enhance the educational experience by providing a modern, accessible platform that streamlines information flow within the BSIT

Technology Stack:

The Course Profile Website project leverages the power of the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) with a twist—replacing MongoDB with Amazon DynamoDB. DynamoDB, a NoSQL database service provided by AWS, offers scalability and flexibility in managing dynamic course data. Express.js and Node.js handle the backend, creating efficient APIs, while React.js ensures a responsive and dynamic user interface. AWS services, including API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB and CloudFront, seamlessly integrate to provide a secure, scalable, and performant solution. This amalgamation of MERN and AWS technologies results in an innovative and effective Course Profile Website for the BSIT program at Kennesaw University

video Demonstration link : 


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