Why choose olive oil?
The health benefits of olive oil are unrivalled, and consuming it every day has various benefits. Olive oil is considered the cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet. It helps in the following ways:
Boosts hair and skin health
Extra virgin olive oil contains Vitamin E. Whenever you consume a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil it has approx 1.9 mg of Vitamin E and a fat-soluble anti-oxidant which help to protect the body against some eye and skin problems and it also enhances hair and skin. It has been noticed that it is used to protect the body from diabetes, neurological diseases.
Protects against diabetes
It has been observed that a diet that has the best Italian olive oil and has low saturated fats and that is moderately rich in carbohydrates and soluble fibre from fruit, vegetables, pulses and grains is the most effective diet for diabetics. It helps in lower lipoproteins while improving blood sugar control and enhancing insulin sensitivity.
Reduces heart problems & diabetes
The best extra virgin olive oil Singapore contains 70% monounsaturated fatty acid. It helps in lowering cholesterol accumulation in the blood and reduces heart problems. Olive oil helps in reducing the risk of diabetes and atherosclerosis.
Protects against insulin resistance
Best olive oil Singapore contains vitamin K, which is known as another fat-soluble vitamin that directly affects the blood. Having one tablespoon of olive oil in a day contains 10% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin K, and can help protect against insulin resistance and several types of cancer.
Reduces heart problems & diabetes
Natural olive oil has approx 70% monounsaturated fatty acid. As a result, it helps in lower cholesterol accumulation in the blood and it also reduces heart problems. Olive oil is best for people who have diabetes and atherosclerosis.
Improves digestion
Olive oil is best known to aid in the digestive process. Generally, it is used as a medicinal oil that is used to clean the digestive tract.
Prevents gallstones
Many research has shown that consuming 2 tablespoons of olive oil a day reduces the chances of developing gallstones. There are many ingredients in olive oil and some of them help to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and gallbladder. A huge amount of olive oil and lemon juice, as well as Epsom salts, are common ingredients that are common in the gallbladder that is generally used toremove gallstones.