Meet Isnana

Where does one begin to describe the story of Isnana.. the vibrant, playful, eternally young Isnana. Known by everyone in her herd, and then some more. Her crazy antics make her name known among everyone, but no matter how far she took her jokes, Isnana managed to etch herself onto every heart she met, mine included. When they asked me to tell her story, I immediately began formulating a plan of everything I was going to say. I wanted to talk about her life, all the great things she did, everything she accomplished, from when she was a little girl, all the way up to having her own family. Pretty soon, I had a whole biography written for her. However, it did not feel right. The words I had written did not encase the character that Isnana was. She was more than your typical elephant. The things she did, while they may have caused temporary grief, brought a smile to those once they realized the lesson she was trying to teach. They say we elephants are smart; sometimes they even say that we are among the wisest of our animal friends. Isnana was all those things, and some more. Wherever she went, a comedic stunt usually followed. You know when they say ‘the elephant in the room?’ Yeah, Isnana was definitely the root of that. She was cherished by so many, myself included.

Who am I you ask?

It will come out eventually, you might even figure it out as we go along, but right now, I’ll remain a hidden figure, whose task is to tell the stories of Isnana.

Wherever you may be in this world right now, follow me as we travel to our beautiful village of Anahg, where you will meet some of the most humble and hardworking villagers- people whom I call my friends and family, and slowly but surely, they will all tell you how Isnana impacted their life in one way or another.

For now, I have already said too much. It is time for the stories. Join me and others as we recount and rejoice in the stories, the real stories of Isnana.