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The series is produced in the classic Britcom mode (as opposed to the more naturalistic style popularised by The Office (UK) and Extras), despite it going out of style in UK television. It has a loyal following and often did pretty well in the audience ratings, running for four seasons. Because the fifth season frequently hit obstacles, a final episode was made instead, airing in 2013.

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F-J  The Face: Jen is the socially capable Nerd Nanny for the IT Department. She has no computer skills but unlike the rest of the cast, she has social skills. Or at least moreso than Roy and Moss. Facepalm: Jen or Roy frequently bury their faces in their hands, be it for their or anybody else's stupidity. When Roy and Moss ran into a bomb disposal robot, the entire company facepalmed for them. Fake-Out Make-Out: Moss and Roy for an Overly Long Gag in one episode. Given a call-back in another, where Moss tried to use the tactic again only for Roy to shut it down "That's not going to work now!" Fake Shemp: Various celebrities appear on screen played by obvious doubles. Fan Disservice: In-Universe, Jen distracts some co-workers by pointing out a shirtless builder. When they get up to look, it's just a flabby guy giving them a gormless look. After Jen screws up Roy's plans to photograph the Girls of the Seventh Floor nude for a charity calendar, he's forced to settle for taking photos of shirtless geeks instead. Fashion Hurts: Jen demonstrates this with a pair of too-small shoes. "Fawlty Towers" Plot: Roy uses a handicapped toilet at the theatre and accidentally yanks an emergency signal. When concerned theatre staff kick the door down to get to him, he pretends to be disabled. This snowballs into him getting loaded onto a bus on a wheelchair, bound for Manchester with a whole group of gay, disabled men. Jen tells Moss to tell a man she had a bad date with that she's busy in order to avoid him. He tries, but when that doesn't work he tells the man that Jen is dead. This snowballs until the entire office thinks she's dead. Jen mistakes the monuments and grievances as celebrations for her winning Employee of the Month. Felony Misdemeanor: Jen will often laugh at a situation usually Played for Laughs while everyone else treats it as Serious Business. She is called a monster for laughing at a man's crossed eyes and for a masseur kissing Roy's ass. Jen breaks up with a man for looking like a magician. And who could forget the various punishments for DVD piracy. Female Misogynist: In "The Internet is Coming", a complicated series of events results in Jen being labelled a female misogynist. Her every attempt to correct this misapprehension only compounds the problem. Hilarity Ensues. Fiery Redhead: Jen has her moments. Five-Finger Fillet: Done by Moss. Flanderization: In the first series, Jen knows as much about computers as the typical non-technical office drone, but doesn't know nearly enough to be in IT, much less the head an IT department. This gets flanderized into knowing absolutely nothing about computers by the time series 4 came around. Flashback Stares: Richmond does these when telling his story. Parodied repeatedly as everyone else slowly leans into shot staring in the same direction and looking confused. Footsie Under the Table: Douglas can't remember why he ever married his estranged wife Victoria. So she reminds him. Foreshadowing: Not long into "The Work Outing", after Jen, Moss & Roy meet up with Phillip the scene ends with them going off to get their tickets, the camera lingers just long enough before the transition to show a group of men in wheelchairs in the background. They don't become involved again until the last 3rd of the show. Freeze-Frame Bonus: After the anti-piracy ad scene, there is a brief period in which the TV shows an FBI warning ordering the viewer to stop watching immediately, call the FBI and place their hands above their head. The "Fun" in "Funeral": practically a recurring theme; Douglas burst into his father's funeral, ran up the aisle screaming "FATHERRRRRRRRR!" and got into a slap fight with The Vicar. This was after Roy's phone went off in his pocket making him think he'd had a heart attack, and Moss had compared the death to losing a pen.Jen: Just say, "I'm sorry for your loss," and move on. 

Roy, to the grieving widow: I'm sorry for your loss. Move on. A flashback in Richmond's introductory episode shows Richmond attending Reynholm's father's funeral in full makeup (Reminiscent of Alice Cooper) and giving Reynholm's elderly mother a Cradle of Filth album to cheer her up. Richmond: Try track four, Coffin Fodder. It sounds horrible but it's actually quite beautiful. In the finale, Roy is asked to be a pallbearer at a dwarf's funeral. He's the only tall person out of the 6 of them, and evidently nobody suggested he might hold the coffin at waist height...Jen: Didn't have the required gravitas? 

Roy: Gravitas? No no. Wasn't very dignified. It wasn't dignified at all, Jen! If I had to pick a word to describe Pip Pop's final journey to the grave, it would be "funny." It was sooo funny, Jen! Of course, I tried not to laugh, I tried to put other things in my head, but every step that we took was a fresh reminder of just how funny the whole thing was! 

Jen: You didn't... laugh, did you? 

Roy: I laughed my hole off! Fun T-Shirt: Roy has a wardrobe full of them. Gag Sub: The official DVDs of the show have an option for 'l33t' subtitles, which vary from Leet Lingo to ROT13 to Base-64 encoding depending on the episode. Game Show Appearance: Moss wins Countdown and joins 8+, a swanky, exclusive club of Countdown winners, where he participates in the illegal, unlicensed and highly dangerous Street Countdown.note Unless you dress up warm for the chilly air. Then you're probably fine. Genius Ditz: Moss demonstrates extraordinary intelligence, memory and mathematical ability... it's a shame he's a Cloudcuckoolander too. Gilligan Cut: In "Are We Not Men?" Roy promises Moss he won't go in too deep pretending to be a football fan. Cut to them sitting in a crowded stadium decked out in West Ham colours. Girlfriend in Canada: In "Jen The Fredo", Moss talks about a girlfriend he had "on holiday", causing Roy to snap "They're always on holiday, aren't they Moss?". Glad I Thought of It: Inverted when Moss suggests helping Jen out of a situation where she needed to speak Italian (in spite of not doing so). He came up with a plan for using some translation software and suggested it to Jen. Before he'd even finished explaining the idea, he concluded it was a stupid idea and wouldn't work. Then Jen just spelled out the idea back to him and Moss realised it would work and congratulated her for coming up with it. A God Am I: Denholm Reynholm: "Gentleman, when I first started Reynholm Industries, I had just two things in my possession: a dream, and six million pounds. Today, I have a business empire the like of which the world has never seen the like of which. I hope it doesn't sound arrogant when I say, that I am the greatest man in the world." Goshdang It To Heck: Moss. See Unusual Euphemism. Goths Have It Hard: Parodied. When Richmond explains why he became a goth, he mentions how people at work started treating him differently for no reason. This social alienation caused him to turn to gothic music for comfort. However, flashbacks showed the reason people started treating him differently was because he showed up to work wearing stereotypically gothic clothes. Grand Finale: Downplayed in the 2013 episode. As an alternative to the idea of a whole fifth series, which had been bouncing around for some time, it concludes the show altogether. However, the majority of it feels like a typical misadventure for the main cast, and it's only until the last few minutes when the IT department is promoted to management that it's made clear that it really is the last episode. Gretzky Has the Ball: Roy and Moss are completely out of their depth when trying to rub shoulders with average blokes. They latch onto the line "Did you see that ludicrous display last night?" as their only conversational gambit into football. Grossout Fakeout: In "Fifty-Fifty", Roy is in a taxi with his date, and hasn't noticed a suspicious-looking brown smear on his forehead. The date is grossed-out and tense, pointedly not looking at Roy as he tries to talk. She gets out of the taxi at her house, finally telling him "You've got poo on your head!" when he tries to talk his way inside. Puzzled, he wipes the stuff off his head and declares, "It's chocolate!" He and the date laugh, relieved... but she's still too grossed out to invite him in. Hacker Cave: The office basement where the IT department is located. Subverted, as most of the equipment is simply being stored there and is not in use or working in any way. The eagle eyed viewer can spot many historical computers, such as an Altair 8800, lent to the show by fans. Hair-Trigger Temper: Denholm is normally very friendly with his staff, even the shunned IT department. Just make sure you aren't STRESSED and can work as a TEAM. TEAM, TEAM, TEAM, TEAM, TEAM, TEAM, TEAM, TEAM... Expanded upon even more in this series of phone conversations: "Hello? What? Well if you can't work as a team you're all fired. That's it, you heard me, FIRED! Get your things and go." "Hello, security? Everyone on floor 4 is fired. Escort them from the premises. And do it as a team. Remember, you're a team and if you can't act as a team, you're fired too." "Dom, get on to recruitment. Get them to look for a security team that can work as a team. They may have to escort the current security team from the building for not acting like a team." Handshake Substitute: Moss and Roy quietly fist bump after the panic caused by the destruction of the "Internet". Happy Dance: Moss and Roy's reaction to Jen falling for their "Internet" prank. Have I Mentioned I Am Sexually Active Today?: Moss does this when he has to pretend to be married, several times going out of his way to mention all the frequent and amazing sex that goes on in his marriage. Have You Tried Rebooting?: A catchphrase for Roy and Moss. Headphones Equal Isolation: Douglas' iPod party. Ho Yay: More often than you'd think. Roy and Moss even kiss, twice. invoked Moss also moves to kiss Roy again in 'Bad Boys'. It's essentially his go-to plan for distracting the police. You're my wife Roy! Played for laughs in the episode 'Moss And The German'. Richmond and Denholm back before Richmond was a goth. They're shown skipping down the hallway together, hand in hand. In universe, Moss and Roy interpret practically everything that Philip does as homoerotic. After Philip goes through all of the indicators that he was gay and defends each one, it turns out that reading Heat Magazine is indefensible and he is actually gay. Hollywood Hacking: In "The Haunting of Bill Crouse", Jen forces Moss to hack into an account... Moss: It might be a bit difficult, I have to hack into his private company account. It might take a bit of time. About four rapid keystrokes later... There we go... Homemade Inventions: Moss has a knack for these, from his own Stress Machine to the perfect bra to the Moth Bath Ladder. Hurricane of Euphemisms: In the last episode of series 1, Jen is trying to tell the boys that she is 'getting a visit from Aunt Irma' and Moss keeps misunderstanding her. Roy finally comes up with a pop-culture reference, which gets through to him. Jen: I've fallen to the Communists. Moss: Well, they do have some strong arguments. Hurt Foot Hop: Jen forces on shoes that are several sizes too small for her, despite a shoe store employee's warnings that this would cripple her. To compound this issue, a Japanese businessman accidentally jumps on her foot, causing her to clutch her foot and hop, and many swearing gags. Hypocritical Humor: Jen's purpose in the IT department. She is supposed to be the one with social skills, but she is actually just as socially inept, awkward and consumed with her obsessions as Moss and Roy are, with the only real difference being that her particular tastes and obsessions are seen as more socially mainstream than the geeky fixations that the guys have. This enables her to get away with it more than they do. She frequently chides Roy for not being honest and telling the truth to the girls he dates, but she often weaves one enormous ball of lies after another (and she is not even good at it). Her attempt to convince Roy that nude female calendars are "empowering", after previously deriding them as sexist and sabotaging his attempts to photograph the girls of the seventh floor, due to Douglas threatening her job if the calendar didn't sell well. I Am Not Shazam: To quote Douglas: "Well, I'm the boss, head honcho, el numero uno, Mr. Big, The Godfather, Lord of the Rings, The Bourne Identity, er... Taxi Driver, Jaws... Forgot the question a while ago." invoked Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Well, Series Naming at least: Versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0... Ignorant About Fire: In the episode "Calamity Jen", Moss attempts to put out a fire with a fire extinguisher, only for the extinguisher itself to catch fire. He then calls for help by sending an email. I Like My X Like I Like My Y: "I like my women like I like my toast. Hot..." "And consumable with butter, you don't have to remind me." I'm a Humanitarian: An ad reading "I want to cook with you" is not what it seems. Incoming Ham: the very first time we see Douglas is his throwing open the doors of a church in the middle of a funeral, Milking the Giant Cow and Skyward Screaming "FATHERRRRRR!" Incompetence, Inc.: Reynolm Industries in a nutshell. Rest assured you will find unisex restrooms and lift doors that don't open all the way. In fact, we don't know what the company actually does!Denholm: That's the sort of place this is, Jen. A lot of sexy people not doing much work and having affairs. I Need a Freaking Drink: Done by Jen (without words, she just rapidly gulps down her glass) in Friendface while Delena is going on about how awesome her life is and how perfect her marriage is. I Need to Go Iron My Dog: Jen frequently claims an "office RAM emergency" to skip the boring staff meetings. Inelegant Blubbering: Roy is (somewhat intermittently) reduced to this when he's dealing with a traumatic break-up. Insistent Terminology: In the last episode, Roy's complaints about a dwarf have him labelled as a "small person racist", and he insists his apparent autism is "emotional colourblindness". It's A Small Net After All: It's just a small black box. Well duh, the internet doesn't weigh anything. It's Not You, It's Me: "No, actually, it is you." Juggling Loaded Guns: Douglas opens a random drawer and finds his grandfather's unloaded revolver. He soon rectifies the situation. Whilst attempting to conceal it, he accidentally shoots himself in the leg shortly before an important business meeting. Amusingly, that happens after he checks if it's loaded by putting the gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger five times. He is supposed to be a self-absorbed buffoon, but damn. In The Stinger, Moss waves the gun around to drive off the bullies in the park. "I've got a gun! I've got a ruddy gun!" 0852c4b9a8

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