Commission Information

Contact Email:

I'm an experienced artist with many happy commissioners whom I love to draw for, and I'd love to draw for you too given the chance!

Please read the entire Terms of Service before requesting a commission. I will assume you have read them when you send your request. Thank you my friend!

Commissions are currently: CLOSED

Please message me on my art pages or send me an email at: to start the commission process. My commission queue is booked in advance so I will be unable to start your commission immediately. Thank you so much for choosing me to draw your wonderful characters!

Full Color Prices

Three Quarter (3/4) Illustration

  • Base Price: $120.00 (Single Character with No Background)

+Simple Background*: $25.00+

+ Full Background**: $50.00+

Full Body Illustration

  • Base Price: $150.00 (Single Character with No Background)

+Simple Background*: $25.00+

+ Full Background**: $50.00+

Colored Sketch Prices

Three Quarter Sketch Base Price: $75.00

Full Body Sketch Base Price: $100.00

+Simple Background*: $25.00+

-Sketches are usually flat colors with some shading

Themes I will not draw

Underage Characters

Real People

Certain Fetishes such as violent forced consent, scat, ect

Guro level gore

Hyper Muscle / Fat


Themes I like or am good at drawing

-Fairies and Fey creatures

- Furry Characters


- Booty Shots

-Nature Scenery

Additional Notes & Fees

+ Solid Color and Gradient backgrounds are Free

+ No References or I am designing your Character - Fee of $35.00 for character design or time spent looking for references.

+ Additional Characters (Max of 2) - 50% of Base Fee is charged for each character. Fee is less or more depending on additional character complexity.

+ Complexity - Base prices may be more if your character/background has a complex design (for example 'rainbow' color designs, lots of spikes, wings, details, ect)

+Additional Variants - $20.00 per additional version (lingerie, cum version, futa), (for more complex variants price is to be discussed)

+Private Commission - Charge of 20% total price (Private commissions will not be posted to my art pages)

*Simple Backgrounds are generalized backgrounds that lack specific details.

**Full Backgrounds are backgrounds that are notable. Like a bedroom scene, a beach, or a detailed nature scene ect. I currently do not take extremely complex background commissions (like a party with many people interacting) as I am not at a skill level to do so.

If you are unsure of anything please do not be afraid to ask!