
系所名稱: 應用英語學系

活動名稱: 義守大學應用英語學系第十四屆畢業公演「Bacchae to the Future」

活動日期: 105年05月11日



畢業公演是應用英語系自創系以來一直保有的傳統,藉由此機會來驗收學生們在大學四年來的學習成果,對於學習外語的學生們而言,戲劇表演是一個可以充分展現自我的舞台,不論是台上或是幕後的工作人員都是同樣重要的角色,藉此學習到分工合作和相互溝通的重要性,不僅是和同儕們之間的溝通,活動之中也促進了老師和同學之間的外語交流。今年第十四屆畢業公演所演出的戲劇「Bacchae to the Future重回未來的野喚」,本齣 戲劇由本系白保羅老師編寫而成,改編自英國廣播公司(BBC)家喻戶曉的電視劇神祕博士(Doctor Who)。本系的畢業生花費了一整年的時間從劇本的編寫直到舞台上的演出,大家分工合作籌畫而成,投入了超過100位的人力,為的是展現出四年來所培養的外語專業能力,以及應英系學生活潑與熱情的性格,在舞台上呈現出專業完美的演出。

The graduation play has been one of the traditions since the Department of Applied English was founded. It is an opportunity to evaluate the students’ language skills after four years of English learning. Students can also learn the importance of cooperating and communicating. During the preparation of the plays, the students can improve their communication skills with their teachers in English. ” Bacchae to the Future”, the 14th graduation play of the Applied English Department, was adapted from Doctor Who, a British science-fiction television program produced by the BBC since 1963. The students spent the whole year preparing this play from rewriting the script to finally acting the play on the stage. Nearly a hundred of people worked together in order to show not only their English, but their enthusiasm and performance capabilities.