International College (Organizer: Department of International Finance)

Host: International College(Organizer: Department of International Finance)

Name of activity: Graduation Project Presentation competition in Academic Year 2014,

Date: 05/26/103 ~ 05/30/103

Venue: Room 60405 of International College Building


Students can review the 4-year learning outcome through this event. It also provides an opportunity for promoting the scholarly exchange among the departments in International College.

The competition involves both paper presentation (held during May 26 to May 29) and oral presentation (held on May 30). Scores from the paper presentation account for 40% of the total score and scores from the oral presentation worth 60% of the total score. The judges select the top 6 teams for the certificates and prizes.

Each department assigned a faculty member to be the judge and two judges from College of Management were invited. In total, there were six judges for this event. Judges cannot grade works from the same department.

There were 10 teams participating in this competition. In total, 25 domestic students and 10 international students competed in this event. This event ended with an awards ceremony hosted by the Dean.