
Theme: The future of distributed goal modelling with i*

by Aditya Ghose

Abstract. i* has come a long way since its inception, and delivered value in a variety of practical settings. Its future prospects are even more interesting. This talk will touch on some of these, from the (limited) perspective of projects I am involved in. The technologies at play span a spectrum that includes defeasible reasoning, machine learning, formal abduction and multi-agent coordination. The application domains include cybersecurity, command-and-control and computational support for rapid response to natural disasters. This roadmap for future development will hopefully inspire more researchers to engage in this space.

Brief Biography. Aditya Ghose is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Wollongong, and Director of its Decision Systems Lab. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, and an MSc and PhD in Computing Science from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. His research interests include various aspects of applied AI (constraint-based optimization, formal knowledge representation and reasoning and data analytics), software engineering (requirements engineering and conceptual modelling in particular) and medical informatics. Ghose is President of the Service Science Society of Australia and a past Vice-President of CORE (the apex body for Computer Science academics in Australia and New Zealand). He is also a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (Australia). He is a past Program Chair of the ER conference and a past General and Program Chair of the ICSOC conference (amongst several others). He is also a hobby historian.