The 15th International
i* Workshop
In the last decades a growing number of groups around the world have been using the i* (iStar) modelling framework in their research on early requirements engineering, business process design, organization modelling, software development methodologies, and more.
Following successful workshops in Trento/Italy (2002), London/United Kingdom (2005), Recife/Brazil (2008), Hammamet/Tunisia (2010), Trento/Italy (2011), Valencia/Spain (2013), Thessaloniki/Greece (2014), Ottawa/Canada (2015), Beijing/China (2016), Essen/Germany (2017), and Tallinn/Estonia (2018), Salvador/Brazil (2019), Zurich/Switzerland (2020), St. John’s/Canada (2021), the Fifteenth International i* Workshop will take place on October 17th at Hyderabad, India, as part of 41st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'22).
As with previous editions, the objective of the workshop is to provide a unique opportunity for researchers in the area to exchange ideas, compare notes, promote interactions, and forge new collaborations.
