

Two decades of combined goal/process modeling: lessons learned and opportunities

By Daniel Amyot

Abstract: Goal models and process models provide complementary and synergetic views of a system, which lead to a more complete understanding of what exists and a better description of what needs to be designed than with only one of these views. In this talk, I will be exploring some of the benefits experienced and lessons learned from combined goal/process modeling in different areas, including the standardization of the User Requirements Notation, applications to healthcare systems and regulatory compliance, goal/process consistency, and goal-oriented process mining. As we are far from being done in that space, some challenges and exciting opportunities for future research will also be identified.

Bio: Daniel Amyot is Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Ottawa. His research interests include software engineering, scenario-based and goal-based requirements engineering, business process modelling and mining, regulatory compliance, smart contracts, and healthcare informatics. Daniel led the standardization of the User Requirements Notation at the International Telecommunication Union (from 2002 to 2013) and the development of jUCMNav, an Eclipse-based tool for modelling and analysing goals and processes. He was general chair of the RE Conference in 2015 and program co-chair in 2018. Daniel is on the editorial boards of SoSyM and Empirical Software Engineering. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Ottawa (2001) and is a Senior Member of IEEE.