
Work Experiences

  • Research Assistant in MoonLab, School of EE, KAIST

    • [04/2020 - Present] Ensuring High AI Learning Performance with Only a Small Amount of Training Data (IITP, Korea)

    • [01/2019 - Present] SK Hynix-KAIST Next Generation Articial Intelligence Semiconductor System Research Center (SK Hynix)

    • [07/2018 - 06/2020] KAIST-Samsung Electronics Device Solutions (DS) Strategic Industry-Academic Cooperation Project (Samsung Electronics)

    • [Dec 2016 - present] Adaptive Machine Learning Technology Development for Intelligent Autonomous Digital Companion (IITP, Korea)

Teaching Experiences

  • Teaching Assistant in school of EE, KAIST

    • EE488 Special Topics in EE (Machine Learning Basics and Practices) (Fall 2020)

      • I designed programming materials for practice sessions and taught in practice sessions.

    • EE485 My Life and Career in EE (MyEE) - Head TA (Spring/Fall 2019, Spring/Fall 2020)

      • I served as Head TA for a course of 150 - 270 students during 4 semesters.

      • I organized invited talks and mentorship program, and arranged field-trips to SW/HW industries for undergraduate students.

  • Teaching Assistant in Seongnam-KAIST next generation ICT research center

    • AI101 Introduction to AI (Fall 2020)

      • I designed programming materials for practice sessions and taught in practice sessions.

Awards & Honors

  • SAMSUNG AI Forum Best Poster Award (2019)

  • Qualcomm Innovation Award (2018)

Talks & Presentations

  • "TapNet: Neural Network Augmented with Task-Adaptive Projection for Few-Shot Learning," invited poster presentation in SAMSUNG AI Forum 2019