Course Schedule

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Week 1: Introduction and Voting

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Week 2: Cake Cutting

An introduction to fair allocation of divisible resources (cake cutting). We will discuss fairness concepts such as proportionality and envy-freeness, seminal algorithms that guarantee these fairness properties and go over query a model for elicitation of preference data (the Robertson-Webb model).

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Week 3: Fair Division 

How should we allocate resources or goods when they are not divisible? We discuss a variety of deterministic relaxations such as envy-freeness up to one item as well as other fairness concepts such as the Maximin Share Guarantee, discuss computational challenges in achieving these properties, and explore their relation to other desirable concepts such as optimality (e.g. Pareto optimality, Nash welfare).

Additional Material

Week 4: Fair Division (Advanced Topics)

More relaxations and allocations of chores.

Week 5: Random Assignment

Can we achieve fairness through randomization? We discuss randomized algorithms for allocating indivisible resources and focus on two seminal mechanisms: Random Serial Dictatorship and the Probabilistic Serial Rule. We also discuss the relation to other deterministic fairness notions such as EF1.

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Week 6: Assignment with Endownment

How do we assign resources or goods when they are initially endowed by a collection of agents? We discuss the desirable properties such as individual rationality and the core, and explore an algorithm (Top Trading Cycle) that can uniquely find the more desirable solution for general preferences. We also discuss alternative algorithms in restricted domains and the its relation to randomized mechanisms such as RSD.

Week 7: Matching Markets (I)

How should mutually relationships form when two sides have preferences over one another? We discuss two-sided matching problems, algorithms for ensuring stability of the outcome (the Gale Shapley algorithm) as well as strategic manipulation in two-sided settings. 

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Week 8: Matching Markets (II) and AI, Ethics, and Philosophy

Discussions on applicable fairness concepts in two-sided matching markets (e.g. Justified Envy-Freeness).

Discussions on AI ethics, philosophical aspects of fairness and algorithmic decision making.

Additional Material

Week 9: Advanced Topics

Additional Material

Week 10: Advanced Topics

Week 11: Advanced Topics

Week 12: Advanced Topics

Week 13: Advanced Topics

Thanksgiving Holiday!

Week 14: Project Presentations

Week 15: Project Presentations

December 14th: Final Projects