Sysinternals Process Monitor Download

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The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The topwindow always shows a list of the currently active processes, includingthe names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed inthe bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: ifit is in handle mode you'll see the handles that the process selected inthe top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you'llsee the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded.Process Explorer also has a powerful search capability that willquickly show you which processes have particular handles opened or DLLsloaded.

Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that showsreal-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. It combinesthe features of two legacy Sysinternals utilities, Filemon andRegmon, and adds an extensive list of enhancements including rich andnon-destructive filtering, comprehensive event properties such as sessionIDs and user names, reliable process information, full thread stackswith integrated symbol support for each operation, simultaneous loggingto a file, and much more. Its uniquely powerful features will makeProcess Monitor a core utility in your system troubleshooting andmalware hunting toolkit.

ProcDump 2.0 for Linux

ProcDump for Linux, a flexible tool for manual and trigger-based process dump generation, receives two new .NET GC triggers (-gcm and -gcgen) and updates the existing memory trigger to allow for multiple thresholds.

_______________ is a tool from Windows Sysinternals, part of the Microsoft TechNet website. The tool monitors and displays in real-time all file system activity on a Microsoft Windows or Unix-like operating system. It combines two older tools, 9_______ and 10______ and is used in system administration, computer forensics, and application debugging.

Process Monitor monitors and records all actions attempted against the Microsoft Windows Registry. Process Monitor can be used to detect failed attempts to read and write registry keys. It also allows for filtering on specific keys, processes, process IDs, and values. In addition it shows how applications use files and DLLs, detects some critical errors in system files and more.[3]

FileMon (from a concatenation of "File" and "Monitor") was a free utility for 32/64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems which provided users with a powerful tool to monitor and display file system activity.

1__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For example, ifyou specified process name include filters for Notepad.exe and Cmd.exeand a path include filter for C:\Windows, Process Monitor would onlydisplay events originating in either Notepad.exe or Cmd.exe thatspecify the C:\Windows directory.

When I try to start Process Monitor from SysInternals on some 64 bit windows 7 machines,the process fails to start. There is no error message. I double click and nothing happens. Other 64 bit windows 7 computers work fine. Any ideas?

Here is what I found. The 32 bit Procmon.exe contains the 64 bit exe inside it as a binary resource. When the 32 bit exe starts, it extracts the 64 bit version out to a hidden file called Procmon64.exe and then executes that. For some reason this process fails on some Windows 7 installs.

According to Microsoft the ASP.NET State Service provides support for out-of-process session states for ASP. ASP has a concept of session state. If this service is stopped or disabled, out of process requests will not be processed and subsequently the developers using this Terminal Server for their development work are out of business.

The Process Tree shows every process that ran, was running, or opened at some point, during a logged trace. Starting from the bottom of the list I started looking at WinLogon.exe. The only thing that really stood out was the Citrix Receiver application. This entire process monitor trace starts at 3:57pm and ends at 4:05pm. The Citrix Receiver app started at 3:59 and ended at 4:02, taking 3 minutes to execute.

Another clue was the dark green bar under the Life Time column. Dark green indicates how long the process took to complete within this boot trace timeline. Anything light green indicates that the process never stopped during the trace (which is usually an internal Windows process or service). However, I was very skeptical that this was the culprit because looking at the sub-processes the Receiver app itself launches and runs in the system tray at all times. Plus, I hadn't heard of the Citrix Receiver causing boot problems before. So from the bottom of the Process Tree working my way up, I started looking at all of the processes one-by-one. Half-way up the list four very distinct dark green bars which were stacked on top of each other, in order, immediately caught my attention.

Two WScript processes were running side-by-side. But one of them called an application called FRAMEPKG.EXE. WScript is the Windows Script Host process that runs the domain VBscript login scripts on this computer. Yes, this computer is a member of a domain and in this domain we run login scripts. After one of the WScript process started, it launched FRAMEPKG.EXE, and under that executed FRMINST.EXE, which invokes Windows Installer (MSIEXEC.EXE). Framepkg.exe is digitally signed by McAfee as shown in the display grid. After doing a web search, I found that it is a part of the McAfee Antivirus Enterprise product. It was clear that a re-installation of the McAfee Framework package was occurring during a logon session. Scrolling to the right confirmed by suspicion that it was highly possible that this was the root cause because the process started at 3:58 and didn't finish until after 4:02pm, more than 4 minutes. Not only that, looking under the Commands column confirmed that the Framework package was indeed kicking off a re-installation thanks to the "/ForceInstall" switch leaving little to the imagination.


Of course, one could run it without a filter but that will make for potentially much larger trace files, which could impact free disk space and performance and would take longer to process in PowerShell. I therefore set about trying to figure out how I could add a process id (PID) filter for a specific process via a script and I present the research and relevant script parts here for the benefit of others.

First, you need to select what you want to filter by. For instance, if you are working with a setting in a specific application (such as the browser), you can initially filter by process name. As we are looking for changes that were made in the shell process (Explorer), we will create our first filter, as below.

So, let's add a second filter. This time, we will look specifically for writes to the registry by the Explorer process, as the registry is where configuration changes in Window are commonly (although not exclusively) held.

Hi Shweta, thanks for the answer. So the Admin did not say the truth to me when he said that he didn't block Process Explorer intenional, when I said to him it wasn't blocked before the re-install ? Did he have to activate blocking of this program manually ? -Sadly I couldn't see what he did b/c it was remotely done and I was locked out during the process.

Application Control is a by-product of On-Access/Real-Time scanning. It does not monitor process creation (i.e. execution) but file access regardless of the intent. As (Windows) Explorer opens the files when it displays a folder's contents controlled applications in this folder are detected.

What we will do is start procmon and create a filter for just the SQL Data files, because there are processes which constantly read and write to files we want to ignore the general "chatter". When you run procmon the first thing you are asked to do is to set up a filter (aside from the one time EULA!). If you choose "Path" then "Ends With" and enter ".mdf" you can filter on all mdf data files. If you wanted to, you could restrict procmon to work with a specific database or set of databases using a more selective filter.

This shows all properties for the event. The 2_____ tab shows mostly what was in the main Process Monitor window. The 3_______ tab shows you things like the path to the application and the launch command line, as well as modules used by the process. The 4_____ tab provides modules stored in memory by the process and their details.

You can create dump or minidump files associated with the selected process by selecting the 5_______ menu and selecting 6___________. Then choose whether you want a 7________ or a 8_________.

Process Explorer, on the other hand, is heavily process focused. It helps you see the relationships between parent processes and its child processes. It also lets you dig much more deeply into parameters and properties of each process, far more than any other available Windows utility. 5376163bf9

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