How To Download Free Zoom On My Ipad

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Hi guys, could you recommend me a good note taking app for ipad pro and apple pencil that have infinite zoom or at least very high resolution. I would like write many information on one page, zoom in and continue to a massive mindmap. The zoom feature in notability isn't enough for me. Thanks

an interface for that is going to be quite expensive.....the more recent L12 from zoom is class compliant and could be used as a multi interface but I don't think it will do the stand alone recording in the same way the R24 does, the R24 workflow is a pretty close match to what I need...unfortunately the R24 isn't class compliant, if it was it would be a no If I commit to it, I am pretty much saying goodbye to multitrack-recording on the iPad, however I could quite easily transfer tracks recorded on the R24 into Cubasis/Auria for more detailed editing....the idea is to make the recording as easy as possible.

If I get the new iPad instead, I would then need to spend just as much again to get 8 track input 5376163bf9

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