ISQM 2024論文徵稿

Call for Papers

徵文範圍 Topics of Interest


The symposium and conference meeting invites academicians, practitioners and professionals to share valuable findings in the broad areas of quality engineering and management. The symposium and conference meeting provides an interactive forum where participants discuss the current status, challenges and future directions of quality development under new technologies. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

投稿須知Submission Info

All manuscript must be written in Chinese or English (English will be better) in Microsoft (MS) Word format. For detailed submission guidelines and formatting, please visit the Paper Submission download section.

The selected papers will be recommended for possible publication in the JOQ journal (EI).

重要日期Important Dates

論文投稿聯絡人 Contact Person for Paper Submissions

論文投稿聯絡助理:曾建淇先生 Mr. Tzeng 0975815383

論文投稿聯絡老師:楊素芬教授 Prof. Yang

聚陽產學應用論文獎獎項介紹 9th Makalot Academia-Industry Collaboration Award



「聚陽產學應用論文獎」由聚陽人文發展教育基金會贊助設立,於民國105年首度辦理,深獲迴響。為獎勵產學應用相關研究更為精進,本獎項將由投稿至「國際品質管理研討會」(ISQM 2024)並獲選發表之論文中,選出產學應用層面優異的9篇論文予以獎勵,並保障遴選至少2篇為紡織成衣產業相關之論文。

Since Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ) established in 1964, we has been organizing annual conferences and quality management symposium to facilitate exchanges and discussions among industry, government, academia, research institutions, corporate representatives, experts, scholars, and CSQ members.

To promote a culture of collaboration between academia and industry and encourage the application of research in quality-related topics to practical industry settings, the CSQ has collaborated with the Makalot Corporation to establish the "Makalot Academia-Industry Collaboration Award" specifically for papers that combine theoretical and practical aspects in quality management. This award is integrated with the annual International Symposium on Quality Management (ISQM), providing a platform for authors to present their research papers and receive recognition for their outstanding contributions in bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Sponsored by the Makalot Corporation, the "Makalot Academia-Industry Collaboration Award" was first initiated in 2016 and received a positive response. To further reward and encourage research excellence in applied academia and industry, this award aims to select and honor 9 outstanding papers from submissions to the ISQM 2024 conference, with a commitment to ensuring at least 2 of the selected papers are related to the textile and garment industry.

申獎方式 How to Apply

Submitted papers accepted will be published at a session arranged by the conference committee. Excellent papers in the field will be selected and awarded by MAKALOT Art & Science Foundation. (2 guarantees for textile papers)

The committee formed by our society will review the submissions and present the awards during the annual conference on November 18, 2023. In the event that the committee determines there are no suitable candidates, the award may be left vacant.

名額及獎勵 Quota and Rewards

第一名:頒給獎狀一紙,獎金三萬元,計一篇 First Prize: Scholarship NT$30,000 and a certificate of award

第二名:頒給獎狀一紙,獎金二萬元,計一  Second Prize: Scholarship NT$20,000 and a certificate of award

第三名:頒給獎狀一紙,獎金一萬元,計一篇  Third Prize: Scholarship NT$10,000 and a certificate of award

佳 作:頒給獎狀一紙,獎金五仟元,計六篇  Superior Prize: Scholarship NT$5,000 and a certificate of award