International Symposium on Optimization Theory & its Applications (ISOTA-2023)


A Special Chapter on Applied Mathematics, Computing and Engineering

April 13-15, 2023

Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala 147004, Punjab, India


Abstract submission deadline: April 02, 2023*

Last date of  Registration: April 05, 2023*


The main objectives of the symposium are:

Overall, the optimization theory and its applications symposium aim to advance the state of the art in optimization theory and promote its application to solve complex problems in various fields.

On huge response of participants, we have introduced a special chapter on applied mathematics, computing and engineering. Applied Mathematics, Computing, and Engineering are three intertwined fields that have a significant impact on our modern world. This chapter will provide an overview of these fields, their interrelationships, and their applications. The papers are invited to this special chapter. 
