Isobelle Clarke


My name is Dr. Isobelle Clarke and I am a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow in the Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science at Lancaster University. I am investigating anti-science narratives. Read more about this project here and here (pp.48-49).

I obtained my PhD at the University of Birmingham in 2019. I investigated internet trolling and abusive language online under the supervision of Professor Jack Grieve. I work with large corpora of texts and seek to understand how the language within them varies.

I obtained a Master's degree in Forensic Linguistics from the Centre for Forensic Linguistics at Aston University. I have worked on various projects of authorship analysis and have analysed data for forensic cases. I use various computational methods and have been involved in training the police in how to use such methods.

I can be contacted on i.clarke[at] or on Twitter @issy_clarke1.