
 RIAM Opera.

From September 2022- January 2023 i was part of the costume team on RIAMs Student production of back to back Alcina and the Sofa. I was in charge of sourcing for this project along with sorting costumes, quick costume changes and making and altering costumes.

By The Bog Of Cats.

By the Bog of Cats by Irish Playright Marina Carr. By the Bog of cats is set in rural Ireland in the 90s. Below are some of my procreate sketches of what i envisioned the characters to be wearing. (Fom left to right Carthage, Hester, Fr Willow, Xavier)

Styling work.

Below are some images for a photoshoot for models Eva and Aicha Freemans modelling portfolio. The girls are signed by Not Another Agency and the images are currently still being used in their portfolios. I was the lead stylist on this programme and the brief i was given to dress the girls was 'The same but different'.

 Some sketch up work.

Below is a rendered version of my minor project in final year of my VM degree. Never got the chance to install as it was during lockdown and instead it all had to be digital. Below is a window display inspired by Stella Mccartneys spring/summer 2021 collection. Upon researching and found Stellas main inspiration for said collection was 'Movement in nature'. So I chose to go with a wave flooring along with having one of the garments from said collection ghosted. Whilst having swarovski birds and feathers in a complimentary colour suspended.

Below are some finalised and rendered images created in both Sketch up and Vray. for this assignment we where given the base of the shop and had to design a pop up shop for a fictional homeware brand. I chose to base mine off of 60's floral motifs.

Marat Sade

A coatume designed for one of the inmates in french play 'Marat Sade'. My charcter was somebody who suffered from Dermatillomania. An illness where the patient hallucinates that they have lumps under their skin causing them to constantly pick at something that isnt there.

For my visual Merchandising and display grad show I chose to study and focus on vintage fashion.

 From my research and study of vintage fashion It lead me to feminist, activist and Fashion icon Gloria Steinem. Gloria and her activism is who and what I chose to base my final display on. The tagline 'what has changed' was based upon a speech Gloria gave a few decades ago at a women s rights protest. I then completed by going in on all of the different protests gloria has marched at throughout the years to symbolise her work as an activist.

Everything showcased in the images was completed designed and handmade by me including the dress, the banner, the signs and the wig was hand dyed by myself.

The entire project was curated designed and installed by myself from the original design process to the execution it took about 3 months of work.

In February of 2020 I took part in a jewellery design exhibition with my college where i had to research design and create not only a piece of jewellery but also a stand to display it on and name our pice. I did mine based on the style of line drawing as it is my favourite style of drawing personally.

Book window display.

When studying in TUD one of our assignments was to create a window display based upon a book we enjoyed. My book of choice was 'Milk & Honey' by Rupi Kaur. Milk and Honey is a poetry novel written and self illustrated by 21 year old Rupi Kaur. I chose to base my window upon an illustration in the book where in time with the poem that uses the phrase 'Milk and Honey'. All props shown where hand made and created by me.