

Jennifer K. Olsen

(jennifer.olsen [at] is a Postdoc in the Computer-Human Interaction in Learning and Instruction (CHILI) Lab at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Her research focuses on how we can use data collected during the student learning process to orchestrate and adapt learning materials, specifically the use of collaborative and individual social planes, to individual students and groups. She co-organized the 5th ISLG at AIED 2015.

Roberto Martinez-Maldonado

(roberto.martinez-maldonado [at] is a Research Fellow in the Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC) at the University of Technology Sydney. His research focuses on analysing collaboration data particularly from scenarios where students are co present.. His research is grounded on principles of Human-Computer Interaction, CSCL, Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics. He has been co-organizer of multiple workshops including venues such as ICLS, CSCL, ITS, AIED and LAK, including the last four editions of ISLG.

Erin Walker

(eawalke1 [at] is Assistant Professor in the School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering at Arizona State University. Her research uses interdisciplinary methods to incorporate social and contextual adaptation into learning technologies, and includes projects related to improving collaborative interactions between students. She has co-organized workshops on adaptive support for collaborative learning in ITS 2010, ITS 2014, and AIED 2015.

Alyssa Wise

(alyssa.wise [at] is Associate Professor of Learning Sciences and Educational Technology in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University and Director, NYU-LEARN (The Learning Analytics Research Network at New York University). Dr. Wise's research is situated at the intersection of the learning sciences and educational data science, focusing on the design of learning analytics systems that are theoretically grounded, computationally robust, and pedagogically useful for informing teaching and learning. She has previously organized multiple workshops at the ICLS, CSCL and LAK conference and the Alpine-Rendezvous events.

Jihie Kim

( [at] is Vice President of Samsung Electronics at the Software R&D Center in Samsung Electronics. Her current interests include pedagogical discourse analysis, human-computer interaction, social network assistance, and assessment of student collaborative online activities. She co-organized the first and second workshop on Intelligent Support for Learning in Groups and edited an IJAIED special issue on the topic. She has been serving as the Publicity, Workshop, Tutorial chairs, and a program committee member in IUI, AIEd, EDM, WWW, AAAI, IUI, CADUI, K-CAP conferences and various AAAI workshops and symposiums.