What Does Restorative Justice Mean To You?

Following your involvement in criminal activity, you may be referred to Island Community Justice Society to participate in a process which involves you, the victim and community, in an attempt to deal with the harm which resulted from your actions.

Restorative Justice offers an opportunity to:

  • Take responsibility for your actions in a safe environment
  • Hear how your actions affected others
  • Take an active part in determining how you may begin to repair the harm done
  • Ask for help with problems that may have contributed to your actions
  • Obtain closure and move forward as a productive citizen

Available Services

Please refer to the How It Works section for more details.

Restorative Justice Services

  • Family Group Conference
  • Victim Offender Meeting
  • Accountability Meeting
  • Sentencing Circle

Community Service Order Program

Established service to respond to community service order referrals from youth courts.

Volunteer Support Services

One of the key reasons for our success in dealing with youth in conflict with the law, is our volunteers. We have approximately 35 volunteers Island wide (2012 stats), who have the desire and training which enables them to help youth through this difficult time in their lives. You will be assigned a volunteer who will provide information, encouragement, and liaison services between you and our agency.

Service Delivery Standards

Island Community Justice Society's accountability to youth in conflict with the law requires the following standards:

  • Youth will be provided with the necessary supports to prepare for successful participation in the agency's services, which will be reflected in the design of all case management processes.
  • Youth will receive the support needed to stand accountable for the harm they have caused in a process which is respectful of their dignity and their legal rights.
  • Youth will have the opportunity to carry out positive and competency building reparation experiences.
  • Youth will have the opportunity to participate in programs which will assist them to improve awareness and decision making skills.

Contact Us

Sydney Office (Provincial Building):


360 Prince Street, Suite 13


Sydney, Nova Scotia


Inverness/Richmond County Office (Part Time Staff):


218 MacSween Street, Suite 305


Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia
