
what does the hashtag mean?

Hashtag #iwasbeatentoo - what does it mean?

The hashtag #iwasbeatentoo is used by Muslims who want to raise awareness among other Muslims, that violence against children is high especially in Arab-Muslim countries, and there is mostly a lack of legal protection from corporal punishment - as the reports from www.endcorporalpunishment.org show (also mentioned in Psychotherapy books )

The situation is totally different in most of European and South American countries, where there is a complete ban on corporal punishment - even in the families: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_corporal_punishment_laws .

Theories like "Peace Mainstreaming" - or "Parenting for a peaceful world" (book by Robin Grille - see his TED talk below) - argue, that the only way for countries to become peaceful is to start with a nonviolent childhood.