The Abdallah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law and Civilization at Yale Law School brings prominent scholars of Islam to the Yale campus for public lectures, seminar discussions, visiting fellowships, and visiting professorships.

The Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program Fund was established in 2016 to support public lectures and events at Wright State University that relate to the Middle East and Islam. Donations to the lecture series are always welcome. Give to the Middle East Program Fund.

Islamic Lectures

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These lecture series are designed to create a campus-wide conversation, and an opportunity to interact with leading scholars in the field who are nationally and internationally renowned. The lecture series allows students to network with the guest speakers who are often invited to partake in classroom visits in addition to their public lectures. This opportunity provides them with an extraordinary exposure they need to solidify their next steps in their academic career and to meet the people who will help get them there.

UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies hosted six public lectures on the significance of twentieth-century Middle Eastern and Muslim experience in the formation of the contemporary world order. Six leading scholars of the modern global history shared their research findings on transformative moments and processes of the previous century in the Middle East and Muslim Societies across Asia to make sense of their impact on our contemporary times. Read more about this lectures series in the 2023 annual newsletter.

Underwritten by a generous anonymous donor, the Averros Lecture Series focuses on Jewish communities living in Muslim lands prior to the 20th century. We are extremely grateful for the vision and innovation of this donor whose generous contribution has enabled us to expand programming at the Center for Near Eastern Studies in such an interesting direction. The program offers quarterly lectures over two years by experts from around the world, publishes an occasional paper series, and culminates in a major conference featuring young scholars engaged in cutting-edge research on the topic. This web page offers videos and podcasts of the lectures, along with complete reprints of the occasional papers.

Brother & Sisters,

Salam & thanks to all for your effort.

I need all the mp3 versions of these lectures.

Nouman Ali Khans are available in his site.

But others lectures are hard to find.

JazakAllah Khair to everyone for their feedback and comments. I think we should welcome any and all criticism, especially for very subjective posts like these. Please keep adding your suggestions and videos/lectures, so we can grow the above list. BarakAllahu Feek.

Wow. I completely disagree with this list. This is definately not the top ten lectures. I can see how All the traditional scholars were left out, apart from sheikh hamza yusuf and zaid shakir who came As runners up.

Just wow, I suggest people listen these shuyukh who are an inspiration to the muslim world.

Sheikh hamza yusuf, sheikh zaid shakir, sheikh Nuh Keller, sheikh babikr, sheikh habib ali, sheikh snoussi, sheikh habib umar bin hafiz, sheikh abdullah bin bayyah, sheikh Muhammad al yaqoobi.

These are only just a few, but I think people should listen to these great scholars as well.

Assalamu Alaikum,

 I dont think a top ten is possible because each lecture has its own importance Its saddening that Sheikh Bilal Assad found no mention. May Allah reward all the Shuyukh and bless us to benefit out of there lectures.

For lectures in languages other than English I would have included Dr Israr Ahmed (Urdu) and Sh. Muhammad Hassaan,Sh Arifi,Sh Aidh Al-Qarni (Arabic),Dr Muhammad Musa Ash-Shareef,Sh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

I just like to say its not about how powerful a lecture or lecturer is or how beneficial it was or about the person who is delivering the topic, as this is not what islamic knowledge is about, but rather its about deriving this ilm from the correct sources and from the correct people of ilm and students of ilm. Which is; the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad and the manhaj, methodology and faham, understanding the teacher is upon. Anyone whether islamic qualified or not can teach and give Dawah, but the condition is they must possess ilm and know what they are talking about of the subject at hand. So it is a requirement and safer to stick to the well known Scholars and Daees known for adhering to the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad and the manhaj, methodology and faham, understanding. As we have too many Daees giving Dawah and calling to their own way or principles other than Ahlus Sunnah.

Dr Israr Ahmads lectures are phenomenal. His lectures are in Urdu, if only they were in English for everyone to listen to! seriously you dont know what your missing out on. I think some of his lectures are translated but not too sure. Nouman Ali Khan has also spoken of him.

Jazakallah for putting this list together, jazakallah for taking the time out to even care to pick out 10 great lectures. Yes, there are many more but I am just so grateful that you compiled this list, because it has given me so much motivation and guidance that I will pray allah swt rewards you for your effort. You will never know just how much you have helped me.

The International Committee For Support Of The Final Prophet presents a series of lectures in defense of the Prophet. Speakers include Shaykh Muhammad Mohar Ali, Shaykh Salman al-Awdah, Shaykh Jafar Idris and Ali Al-Timimi. In co-operation with Jamiat Ihyaa Minhaaj As-Sunnah & Al-Muntada al-Islami.

Linda G. Jones is a Research Professor of Medieval History at Pompeu Fabra University. Her research focuses on the religious and cultural history of medieval Muslim Iberia and the Maghreb, medieval Islamic preaching, the religiosity of the Mudejars, and cross-cultural gender studies. She has published a monographic book on Islamic preaching, coedited collective volumes on Jewish, Christian, and Muslim preaching and sainthood, and has several publications on islamic oratory and on gender, masculinity and Islam, including Representations of Hegemonic Masculinities in Medieval Leonese-Castilian and Almohad Chronicles," Speculum 97/3 (2022): 737-774; and Constructing Gender Identities and Relations in a Mudejar Hortatory Sermon Addressed to Women," Medieval Sophia 24 (2022). Her current research projects include a study of representations of male grief in premodern Islamic literature, a study of gender distinctions in the hagiographies of male and female Muslim saints, and the edition and analysis of two Mudejar sermonaries.

Dr. Ahmet T. Karamustafa, professor of Islamic studies anddirector of the religious studies program at Washington Universityin St. Louis, will present a series of lectures that focus on"Defining Religion: Classical, Medieval and ContemporaryIslamic Perspectives."

In his first lecture Tuesday, March 23, Karamustafa will address"Religion as a Private Matter." His second lecture onWednesday, March 24, will examine "Religion as Perfection,"while his third lecture on Thursday, March 25 will explore "Religionas Freedom." All lectures will begin at 7 p.m. in Room 3508Knauss Hall and are free and open to the public.

The life of the Muslim Ummah is solely dependent on the ink of it's scholars and the blood of it's Martyrs." - Shaykh Abdullah Azzam (May the Mercy of Allah be with him) Indeed history is written in the colours, black - the ink of its scholars, red - the blood of the martyrs. Maktabah Sound Studio is proud to introduce "Heroes of Islam" a series of lectures exploring the lives of some of the greatest men in the history of Islam these being:-

The fall of spain, formerly known as Andalus. Sheikh Sa'eed Ali illustrates the stricking similarity between the condition that existed some 5 hundred years ago which led to the fast decline of Islam in Spain and the condition that exists now in all islamic countries. Allah alerts us to the importance of studying history and find out what happened to the people of the past. Allah said: "Have they not travelled through the earth and seen what was the end of those who were before them? And verily, the home of the Hereafter is the best for those who fear Allah and obey Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, and by performing righteous good deeds). Do you not then understand?" [12:109]

In this series of lectures, the speaker first explains the central role of the heart and the dangers of diseases in the heart. Next comes an indepth discussion of the concept of hasad and its evil consequences. This is followed by steps one can follow to remove this disease from one's heart. Finally, the positive aspects of the obligatory hasad, competing in good deeds and sacrificing for the sake of others-the antidote to hasad-are discussed.

While in exile in Iraq in the holy city of Najaf, Khomeini gave a series of 19 lectures on Islamic Government to a group of his students from January 21 to February 8, 1970. Notes of the lectures were soon made into a book that appeared under three different titles: The Islamic Government, Authority of the Jurist, and A Letter from Imam Musavi Kashef al-Qita[6] (to deceive Iranian censors). The small book (fewer than 150 pages) was smuggled into Iran and "widely distributed" to Khomeini supporters before the revolution.[7]

Understanding Islam the way Muhammad(saw) taught Sahaba. This podcast brings you lectures and Khutbah (Sermon) from some of the best Urdu Aalim and preachers. Join us on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast & other Podcasting Platform. Disclaimer: We do not own any the Lectures their credit goes to their respective Speakers. 17dc91bb1f

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