ISIoT 2022

4th International Workshop on

Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things

Marina Del Rey, LA, California

May 30 to June 1, 2022

colocated with DCOSS 2022

Author Information


Manuscripts Submitted for Review

Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality original technical papers reporting original research of theoretical or applied nature for presentation at the workshop and publication in the ISIot 2022 Proceedings. All papers will be reviewed and evaluated by at least three independent experts and selected based on their originality, merit, and relevance to the workshop.

The manuscripts must be prepared in English, following the IEEE two-column Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings (available here) with a maximum length of eight (8) printed pages including text, figures, and references. Authors may add at most two (2) pages, but only for an appendix, i.e. these two pages contain supplementary material only. The additional two pages will incur overlength charges at $100/page.

Submissions will be made using the EasyChair system. The workshop submission link is the following

Note that the workshop does not follow the double-blind review policy. The names and affiliations of all the authors must be presented in the submitted manuscript.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the DCOSS 2022 conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases

Camera Ready Paper Instructions

1. Camera-ready manuscript preparation

- To prepare and submit the final version of the accepted DCOSS papers, one of the authors must create an account in the CPS Author Kit system (See for more details) and carefully follow all the instructions there.

- Non-compliant manuscripts will not be included in the conference proceedings.

Presentation Instructions

1. All presentations will be live. You are not required to prepare nor upload any pre-recorded video of your presentation.

2. The format of each technical session will follow the typical scheme of an in-presence event: Session Chair intro, oral presentation #1 + Q&A, oral presentation #2 + Q&A, etc.

3. A 25 minutes slot (including questions) is allocated for the presentation of your paper. Please arrange the latter in order to not use more than 20 minutes for your talk, and leave at least 5 minutes for questions.