
Please note that all times in this schedule are according to UK time

The workshop will be held at Northumbria University, room CCE1-002.

Day 1

29th April 2022

2pm - 2.10 pm Welcome

2.10pm - 3pm Prof Jing Ping Wang

3pm -3.50pm Dr Matteo Sommacal

3.50pm - 4.20pm Break

4.20pm - 5.10pm Dr Priscila Leal Da Silva

Day 2

30th April 2022

9am - 9.10am Welcome

9.10am - 10am Dr Theo Assiotis

10am - 10.30am Break

10.30am - 11.20am Dr Paola Ruggiero

11.20am - 12.10pm Prof Christian Korff