Forms & Documents

ONLINE Pre-entry is highly encouraged and so helpful! Complete by the Thursday prior to the show.

Debit or credit cards are accepted at shows; however, a 4% fee will be assessed in order to cover fees charged for accepting electronic payments.

In order to accumulate points and to be eligible for year-end awards you must:

  1. have a paid 2022 membership on file,

  2. show in at least two of the three ISHSA of Magic Valley horse shows.

*Annual membership fees must be paid before points will begin to accrue towards ANY year end awards.

*Please familiarize yourself with the qualifications for the year-end award categories.

Fees for each show are below. All shows for 2022 are double-point shows.

  • ISHSAMV member adult exhibitor (19 & over) - $9 per judge per class ($18.00 per class)

  • Adult exhibitor day fee (same horse/rider) - member or non-member - 10 classes or more: $180.00

  • ISHSAMV member youth exhibitor (18 & under) - $5 per judge per class ($10.00 per class)

  • Youth exhibitor day fee (same horse/rider) - member or non-member - eligible classes: 18 & under, walk/trot, walk/trot limited, novice, halter, open bareback: $35.00

  • Non-member adult exhibitor (19 & over) - $11 per judge per class ($22.00 per class)

  • Non-member youth exhibitor (18 & under) - $7 per judge per class ($14.00 per class)

  • Arena fee per horse: $13.00

Show Dates: June 18, July 9, and July 30