Accepted Posters

(The following is a list of accepted papers, which is presented in a random order.)

1) Title: Compact Optical Sensor for Detecting Airborne Ultrafine Particles Inside Vehicle Cabins

Authors: Sophia Judge, Hao Jiang
Lawrence Technological University

2) Title: Monitoring of Vaping Aerosols Inside Vehicle Cabins Using Optical Particle Counters

Authors: Keith Kolaczyk, Hao Jiang
Lawrence Technological University

3) Title: Metal-oxide Based Resistive Random Access Memories (RRAMs) for Brain-Inspired Computing

Authors: Alireza Moazzeni, Md Tawsif Rahman Chowdhury, Gozde Tutuncuoglu

Wayne State University 

4) Title: Noise Injection Attacks Against the Steering Actuator Commands of Mobile Robots and

Autonomous Vehicles

Authors: Chance Ashworth, Hafiz Malik, Alireza Mohammadi

University of Michigan-Dearborn

5) Title: Reporting Drone System

Authors: Adrian Brooks, Jeremy Atkins, Michael Corcoran, Dr. George Pappas and Dr. Nabih Jaber

Lawrence Technological University

6) Title: Integrated Multipurpose Gamepad

Authors: Michael Giuliani, Talib AL-Husseinawi, George Pappas, Nabih Jaber

Lawrence Technological University

7) Title: Contextualizer prototype a Minimal Viable Product

Authors: Michael Giuliani, Abdulaziz Allahdan, Alexander Tammaro, Brendan Anderson, George Pappas and Nabih Jaber

Lawrence Technological University

8) Title: Comparison Between Classical and Quantum Computing Algorithms

Authors: Neil Fraylick, Nathan Picchioni, George Pappas, Nabih Jaber, 

Lawrence Technological University

9) Title: Cyber-based Post-Event Investigation and Anomaly Detection in EV Charging Stations

Authors: Mansi, Junho Hong

University of Michigan Dearborn

10) Title: OSCAR_PIX 4

Authors: Shefali Gokarn, Dr. Jaerock Kwon

University of Michigan Dearborn

11) Title: Toward Human Body 3D Key Joint Position Estimation from 2D Images

Authors: Raksha Varahamurthy,  Dr. Jaerock Kwon

University of Michigan Dearborn

12) Title: "What's That Sound?": A Versatile, Robust, and Lightweight Convolutional Transformer for Environment Sound Recognition

Authors: Julia Huang, Justin Huang

Northville High School and Schoolcraft College

13) Title: A Universal, Efficient Deep-Learning Approach to Various Cancer Detections from miRNA Expressions

Authors: Julia Huang,  Justin Huang

Northville High School and Schoolcraft College

14) Title: DebriDetec: An AI-powered Application to Reduce Environmental Pollution

Authors: Julia Huang, Justin Huang

Northville High School and Schoolcraft College