
Registration Fees *All costs shown are in New Zealand Dollars

In person attendance

Pōneke/Wellington only: 22 - 25 August

  • Early Bird Waged $290

  • Standard Waged $400

  • Unwaged $175

Includes: Welcome drinks; catering; full access to conference platform during & after the conference

Virtual attendance

Brisbane (UTC+10) London (UTC+1)Santiago (UTC-4) Guelph (UTC-4)

Early Bird

      • $150 Low- & Middle-Income Country

      • $175 High-Income Country

Standard Waged

      • $200 Low- & Middle-Income Country

      • $225 High-Income Country

Standard Unwaged

      • $80 Low- & Middle-Income Country

      • $115 High-Income Country

Includes: virtual presentation via conference platform; full access to conference platform during and after the conference

Abstract submission - CLOSED

The ISCHP2021 Organising Committee invites you to submit an abstract for consideration and inclusion in the conference programme. Submissions are open from 1 February 2021 until 7 May 2021.

Academic and non-academic submissions are welcome for review. Please refer to the conference themes when writing your abstract. The guidelines below provide further information; please contact the Planning Committee Chair if you have any questions. (A printable PDF of the guidelines is also available.)

All abstract submissions will be reviewed by members of the ISCHP Executive Committee. You will be informed by email of the outcome of your submission by 14 May 2021. Further details about the allocated presentation type, time, and date will be advised with the acceptance email.

On acceptance of an abstract, presenters must register and pay the registration fees in order to be included in the programme and present at the conference. The deadline for presenter registrations is 1 June 2021.

Note: by submitting an abstract you consent to publication of the abstract in the conference material including, but not limited to, the ISCHP 2021 conference website, conference programme, conference virtual platform, and conference publicity. Please contact the organising committee if you wish to discuss this.

When submitting your abstract, you will be required to indicate: (1) The hub you would like to present in. Choose the one with the best time zone for you. 2) Your preferred presentation format. The review panel will make these designations based on what the programme allows. To assist with this, further guidelines and information appear below.

Abstract structure

Abstracts must be 250 words maximum in English. (An accompanying translation is welcome.)

  • Abstract text will be pasted into a text box and title, authors, and affiliations will need to be entered in separately.

  • You will indicate:

    1. theme

    2. preferred presentation format

    3. hub you will be presenting in

  • Additional information requested

    1. short bio for Presenting Author (max. 100 words).

    2. photograph of presenter (for the virtual conference platform)

    3. co-presenter/s email address/es

  • Special request/requirements can be included in the relevant field provided during the submission process.

Presentation hub

There are different presentation Hubs across a few selected time zones to accommodate delegates unable to attend in person.

  • When registering, please indicate your preferred Hub. We suggest selecting the Hub closest to your time zone.

  • Except for those attending in person at Pōneke Wellington hub, presenters are required to present virtually. In-person attendance in Pōneke Wellington will depend on the travelrestrictions at the time of the conference.

  • Please note: Presentations will run in person from 23 to 24 August in Pōneke Wellington. All other Hubs will involve virtual presentations on Monday 23 August only.

Presentation format

  1. Oral presentation - 12-minute presentation + 3 min for questions

  2. Symposium- up to 4 speakers for 10 minutes each + 20 min discussion

  3. Pecha Kucha - 6 min 40 sec, no question time (20 slides x 20s each; Pecha Kucha Guide)

  4. Posters - hard copy (Pōneke Wellington Hub) or virtual (all other Hubs)


Please note the procedure for submitting an abstract for a Symposium

  1. The Symposium Co-Ordinator/s' (up to 2 allowed) will submit an abstract for the session and register using their affiliation/s, photo/s and bio information. If co-ordinator's have access to copies of the abstracts for each talk, these can be included along with the symposium submission abstract to assist with linking individually submitted abstracts to the correct symposia

  2. Then each individual presenters must submit an abstract for their talk registering their own details, affiliation, photo and bio information and indicating that the presentation forms part of a symposium.

  3. If you are the Symposium Co-ordinator and presenting a paper, you will have two submissions in your account (the Symposium abstract and your paper abstract).

Due to the complexity of the hybrid format, this process has been adapted from the usual procedures, so apologies for any confusion with regard to submitting a symposium abstract.