Ampac Business Capital
Asociacion de Emprendedor@s
Axis Foundation, Inc.
California Housing Partnership
Center for Social Innovation - UCR
Coachella Valley Housing Coalition
Community Action Partnership Riverside County
Fair Housing Council of Riverside County
Get In Motion
Habitat for Humanity San Bernardino Area
Haven Services
Housing California
Inland Empire Resource Center
Inland Empire Economic Partnership
Inland Equity Partnership
Intersection Collaborative of the High Desert
Invest Health Riverside
KEYS Nonprofit
Lift to Rise
Lutheran Social Services of Southern California
Making Hope Happen Foundation - Uplift San Bernardino
Mary Erickson Community Housing
National CORE
Neighborhood Housing Services of the Inland Empire
Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services
Parkview Legacy Foundation
Sigma Beta Xi
Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing (SCANPH)
Inland SoCal United Way
Uplift San Bernardino at the Making Hope Happen Foundation
County of Riverside Executive Office - Homelessness Solutions
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Federal Reserve of San Francisco
Kaiser Permanente
St. Mary's Hospital
CIT Bank
Citizens Business Bank
JP Morgan Chase
Union Bank
US Bank
Wells Fargo Bank
and more...