Chia-Cheng Chou (周家丞), PhD
Associate Research Fellow, NLAC, Taiwan
Research Interest and Skill
Protein Crystallography, cryoEM, SAXS, Membrane Protein, Protein Engineering, Structural Bioinformatics Analysis.
Programming (Python, HTML5/PHP/MySQL).
3D Animation (Blender), 3D Printing, Education and Scientific Communication.
Recent Publication (2019~)
Huang, W. H., Gan, Y, L., Hung, C. C., Hsu, P. C., Huang, Y. J., Chou, C. C.* and Lee, Y. H.* (2024) FKBP51-NFκB inhibition ameliorates inflammatory astrogliosis and neuronal damage in the ischemic brain injury in vitro model. 2024 JACBS (Poster).
Lee, X. T., Huang, Y. J., Hung, C. C., Lin, Ch. H., Chou, C. C. amd Lee, Y. H. (2023) A dual ligand binding site model of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in the lipopolysaccaride-stimulated astrocytes. 2023 JACBS (Poster).
Huang, Y. J., Hung, C. C., Hsu, P. C., Lee, P. Y., Tsai, Y. A., Hsin, Y. C., Lee, X. T., Chou, C. C., Chen, M. L., Tarng, D. C. and Lee, Y. H. (2023). Astrocytic aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediates chronic kidney disease-associated mental disorders involving GLT1 hypofunction and neuronal activity enhancement in the mouse brain. Glia 71:1057-1080.
Hsieh, C. H., Chou, C. C., Fang, Y. C., Hsu, P. H., Chiu, Y. H., Yang, C. S., Jow, G. M., Tang, C. Y. and Jeng, C. J. (2023).14-3-3 proteins regulate cullin 7-mediated Eag1 degradation. Cell Biosci 13: 18.
Dong, Z. X., Lin, C. C., Chen, Y. K., Chou, C. C. and Chen, T. C. (2022). Identification of an emerging cucumber virus in Taiwan using Oxford nanopore sequencing technology. Plant Methods 18: 143.
Lin, C. H., Chou, C. C., Lee, Y. H., Hung, C. C. (2022). Curcumin Facilitates Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Activation to Ameliorate Inflammatory Astrogliosis. Molecules 27: 2507.
Chou, C. C., Provost, J. J., Waye, M. M. Y., Yu, G. F. B. and Macaulay, J. O. (2020). Tools for teaching biochemistry and molecular biology: A parallel session at the IUBMB/PSBMB 2019 “Harnessing Interdisciplinary Education in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology” conference. Biochem Mol Biol Educ 48: 608-614. Demonstration at IUBMB 2019 PH
Chiang, C. Y., Chou, C. C., Hsu, M. F., Pao, P. J., Chiang, M. H. and Wang, A. H. (2020). Biochemical and molecular dynamics studies of archaeal polyisoprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase from Saccharolobus solfataricus. Enzyme Microb Technol 139: 109585.
Wang, H. C., Chou, C. C., Hsu, K. C., Lee, C. H. and Wang, A. H. (2019). New paradigm of functional regulation by DNA mimic proteins: Recent updates. IUBMB life 71: 539-548. Top Downloaded Paper 2018-2019.
Chen, W. R., Chou, C. C. and Wang, C. C. (2019). Phthalides serve as potent modulators to boost fetal hemoglobin induction therapy for β-hemoglobinopathies. Blood advances 3: 1493-1498.
PhD, Graduate Institute of Life Sciences, National Defense University, Taiwan
MS, Graduate Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan
BS, Department of Plant Pathology, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan
Associate Research Fellow, National Laboratory Animal Center, Taiwan
Associate Research Fellow, National Center for High-performance Computing, Taiwan
Manager, NRPB program, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Visiting Researcher, RIKEN SPring-8 Center, RIKEN Harima Institute, Japan
Assistant Scientist, SPring-8 Group, National Synchrotron Research Center, Taiwan
Assistant Research Specialist, Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Manager, NRPGM program, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan