Technological Skills and Competencies

Goal 3: To provide students with opportunities to develop cutting-edge technological skills and competences used across the information professions.

SLO 3: Graduates will be competent in information organization and lifecycle activities techniques of organization of information and with using and evaluating technologies of the information professions.

SLO 3 encompasses the technological competencies and knowledge organization I will need to know and utilize as a library information professional. Being able to use technology to efficiently communicate, teach, and disseminate knowledge allows one to broaden the idea of who is in your community and reach patrons who may have been at a disadvantage due to physical proximity or disability. The goal of a librarian is to serve the entire community, and competently using technological resources allows us to grow closer towards that goal.

In ISLT 7314, there was a final exam where I had to answer fifty questions about how and where to find the best resources for different types of patrons. This assignment gave me the opportunity to gain experience in many databases I would not normally have been in. One question asked what database information on a company’s finances and stocks would have, while another asked where I could learn more about different heart conditions and symptoms. Not only did this exercise familiarize myself with different resources available to me and my patrons, but it also made me aware of what keywords I used in searches and what metadata was most helpful. As a public librarian, knowing about and utilizing a diverse set of databases will be necessary as every patron will come with a unique query and will need an equally unique and correct answer.

In this same class, I also had the opportunity to create a LibGuide about astrology. While creating this LibGuide, I had to do simple coding, embed links, and create a video tutorial on how to best utilize the guide. All the sources had to be cited, and I chose resources in different forms of media such as print, web articles, videos, and websites. Having these technological skills allowed me to offer more resources than if the LibGuide had been a list of print resources available on a shelf. This LibGuide can appeal to a larger audience that may learn better with audio than text and is easier to navigate with the embedded tutorial I made. Making information more accessible is a key value of the ALA and one I hope to embody as I utilize technologies in my future career.

In ISLT 7312, I had the opportunity to create a MARC record for the book, The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. Being able to navigate and add to one’s catalog is an important part of any library’s day to day operations. The ability to use the right language to create key words is an essential part of making sure a patron can find what they are looking for. This shows the importance of knowledge organization and the ability to correctly do this makes a huge impact on what the community is able to access and learn. Both users and workers need a clean catalog and this assignment allowed me to experience all the key aspects of a record. Not only that, but I was given the tools and resources, such as the rda-toolkit, that I will be able to look at in the future when deciding what metadata to add.

The technological knowledge and competencies I have gained through my courses have given me the tools I need to create accessible resources for knowledge dissemination. I feel confident in my ability to keep up to date on new and emerging technologies and to find the best resources for my community. Through efficient and quality information organization, as well as, the use of new and emerging technologies, I will be able to create an innovative environment for my patrons and give them the best resources and accessibility of information.

7314 LibGuide - Astrology

7314_Graves,Isabelle_Final Source Exam_Reference_Spring2021_May9.docx

7314 Reference Sources & Services Exam

7312_Graves, Isabelle_assign 4_marcrecord.pdf

7312 Marc Record