Office 2021  is sold as a one-time purchase, which means you pay a single, up-front cost to get Microsoft 365 apps for one computer. One-time purchases are available for both PCs and Macs. However, there are no upgrade options, which means if you plan to upgrade to the next major release, you'll have to buy it at full price.

Note: In Microsoft 365 Subscription, when Word starts, it searches for AutoRecover files. If any recovered files are found, Word opens them by having a Message Bar. Select Save to save the recovered file as a .docx file. If there are many recovered files, Word usually opens the last-changed files, and puts the remaining files into the Document Recovery task pane.

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I've built this flow several months ago that has been working reliably for most users until this morning. The flow is triggered from a PowerApps which then executes a stored procedure in SQL and then takes that data and populates a Word Template (there's a lot more going on there but that's the short version). It's at this step where I get the error message:

I have launched a contest for colleagues but all responses came out anonymous (i had incorrectly unselected that option). I need to find out who send each of the responses. Is there any way we can find out who is behind each of the anonymous responses I got?

That option is only available when "Only people in my organisation can respond" in the settings is enabled and "Record name" is selected. Then they have to sign in to access the form, unlike an Anonymous form, though I don't think there is a visual clue saying exactly, record name is enabled.

I'm wondering if there's any way to invert the colors in Microsoft Office Word - that is, view white text on a black background. I mainly ask because I'm used to dark color schemes a la Notepad++ themes and similar, and so much white space is really hard on the eyes in my environment.

I am using Ubuntu and I need to do my project work. When I use libre office for the work purpose it stores in odt format and converting from odt to docx format changes the alignment of words and paragraphs in documentation.

Yes, there is a good alternative. Onlyoffice is free and open source (GitHub), and has excellent Microsoft Office compatibility (including viewing Annotated Powerpoint presentations).

Generally speaking, there will always be some discrepancies in how your documents are displayed in different applications and versions. Even MS Office 2019 Professional, MS Office 365 and MS Office for Web do not always display documents in the same way.

Google docs is also a good alternative for microsoft office package. It's bit hard to truly dependent on microsoft office if you are on ubuntu. The best option is to stick permanently to one option. There is a burden to switch between softwares. I prefer google docs.

Often when I'm typing quickly, trying to get a fleeting thought down, I make small mistakes typing. If I do it several times in a sentence, I have to go back and right click on each word and correct them.

What's annoying me is that sometimes I'll mess up a word that really has no alternatives it could be corrected to (other than the one intended), but Word won't autocorrect it! I even know it doesn't really, because I'll right click on it and it'll offer me the one possibility it knows, but for some reason it didn't change it to that.

For example, it fixes 'caogulation' to coagulation, but it doesn't change 'cogualation' even though right clicking shows coagulation as the only option. If there's literally one option, it seems like it's a safe bet to assume I was typing the word it's 2 letters from than just gibberish.

I have found using symbolic links works well. You can make a symbolic link of individual files or the folder you use to keep your MS files in. I put the the symbolic link in a Subfolder called symlinks in my vault and then you can link to the files in the folder as you would with a normal Obsidian note. When I click on the link in a note or on the file in the folder view they open in the appropriate application i.e. Excel, word, pdf expert, etc. If you symbolic the folder then if you add something outside of Obsidian it will update with the new file in Obsidian. These links also work on both my mac and windows machines as well as iPhone/iPad. You must use symbolic Links not Aliases. For reference my main Obsidian computer is a Mac which I sync with a Windows laptop and IOS devices.

I have not tried symbolic links. I may want to look into that. On the surface, however, it seems like if there are problems with my current system, symbolic links might not solve those problems and might just add new layers of difficulty.

So I found if you make a Symbolic link to a Project Folder on i.e HD5 that contains MS office, pdf files etc. And place the Project Folder Link in the vault all files in that folder are available as if they were in Obsidian. The Project Folder Link only points to where the files are actually stored on HD5 not in the vault which saves space. I can add files to the Project Folder on HD5 and Obsidian Project Folder Link updates and shows the new file or I can save an Obsidian note in the Project Folder Link in Obsidian and the md file shows in the original Project Folder on HD5. I can now do normal file links to the Project files in my MOC because Obsidian thinks these are the actual files. And when I click on them they open in excel, word, Omnioutliner, etc. If I know longer need the Folder Link in Obsidian I just delete it and the original files on the external drive are not touched because you just deleted a link. Hope this helps. Like I said above you must use Symbolic Links and not Aliases - Obsidian does not recognize Aliases. Also Obsidian Prefaces the files In the folder link with xlsx, pdf, outline, etc so the linked files are easy to identify.

Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on the web can all natively open, edit, and save Office Open XML files (docx, xlsx, pptx) as well as OpenDocument files (odt, ods, odp). They can also open the older Office file formats (doc, xls, ppt), but will be converted to the newer Open XML formats if the user wishes to edit them online. Other formats cannot be opened in the browser apps, such as CSV in Excel or HTML in Word, nor can Office files that are encrypted with a password be opened. Files with macros can be opened in the browser apps, but the macros cannot be accessed or executed.[26][27][28] Starting in July 2013, Word can render PDF documents or convert them to Microsoft Word documents, although the formatting of the document may deviate from the original.[29] Since November 2013, the apps have supported real-time co-authoring and autosaving files.[30][31]

Office on the web lacks a number of the advanced features present in the full desktop versions of Office, including lacking the programs Access and Publisher entirely. However, users are able to select the command "Open in Desktop App" that brings up the document in the desktop version of Office on their computer or device to utilize the advanced features there.[32][33]

Microsoft Office has a security feature that allows users to encrypt Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Skype Business) documents with a user-provided password. The password can contain up to 255 characters and uses AES 128-bit advanced encryption by default.[59] Passwords can also be used to restrict modification of the entire document, worksheet or presentation. Due to lack of document encryption, though, these passwords can be removed using a third-party cracking software.[60]

Microsoft has since promoted Office 365 as the primary means of purchasing Microsoft Office. Although there are still "on-premises" releases roughly every three years, Microsoft marketing emphasizes that they do not receive new features or access to new cloud-based services as they are released unlike Office 365, as well as other benefits for consumer and business markets.[71][72][73] Office 365 revenue overtook traditional license sales for Office in 2017.[74]

The researchers commented that there is no need for Microsoft to store information such as IPs and email addresses, which are collected automatically by the software. "Microsoft should not store these transient, functional data, unless the retention is strictly necessary, for example, for security purposes", the researchers conclude in the final report by the Netherlands Ministry of Justice.[87]

Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac was released on January 15, 2008. It was the only Office for Mac suite to be compiled as a universal binary, being the first to feature native Intel support and the last to feature PowerPC support for G4 and G5 processors, although the suite is unofficially compatible with G3 processors. New features include native Office Open XML file format support, which debuted in Office 2007 for Windows,[166] and stronger Microsoft Office password protection employing AES-128 and SHA-1. Benchmarks suggested that compared to its predecessor, Office 2008 ran at similar speeds on Intel machines and slower speeds on PowerPC machines.[181] Office 2008 also lacked Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) support, leaving it with only 15 months of additional mainstream support compared to its predecessor. Nevertheless, five months after it was released, Microsoft said that Office 2008 was "selling faster than any previous version of Office for Mac in the past 19 years" and affirmed "its commitment to future products for the Mac."[182]

On July 13, 2009, Microsoft announced at its Worldwide Partners Conference 2009 in New Orleans that Microsoft Office 2010 reached its "Technical Preview" development milestone and features of Office Web Apps were demonstrated to the public for the first time.[223] Additionally, Microsoft announced that Office Web Apps would be made available to consumers online and free of charge, while Microsoft Software Assurance customers will have the option of running them on premises. Office 2010 beta testers were not given access to Office Web Apps at this date, and it was announced that it would be available for testers during August 2009.[224] However, in August 2009, a Microsoft spokesperson stated that there had been a delay in the release of Office Web Apps Technical Preview and it would not be available by the end of August.[225] 0852c4b9a8

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