Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) is a popular open-source network stress testing and denial-of-service (DoS) attack tool. Attackers can use LOIC to flood networks and websites with traffic, often as part of coordinated Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

Attackers commonly use LOIC to carry out DoS attacks against websites, applications, and networks. The tool is popular among hackers as well as activist groups like Anonymous who have coordinated LOIC attacks for political reasons.

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LOIC enables users to overwhelm targets with a flood of traffic easily but comes with high risks of unlawful activity. While LOIC may seem like a convenient tool for activists, the reality is participating in attacks can lead to serious criminal prosecution. Network operators should have safeguards in place to detect and mitigate LOIC DDoS attacks. Ultimately, the only responsible use of LOIC is for authorized stress testing against isolated test environments.

Implementing a DDoS protection solution and web application firewall (WAF) can help filter out and manage high volumes of malicious traffic while ensuring that legitimate users can still access the website or application.

Imperva secures websites, networks, DNS servers, and individual IPs from network and application layer DDoS attacks. The cloud-based service keeps business operations running at high-performance levels, even during an attack.

A couple of my team's devs were recently discussing the use of the Python, R and CMD tools on Alteryx Server. They rightly noted these usage of these tools (triggered by a published alteryx workflow) could represent a number of risks including

Default Run Mode: Determines the level that workflows are permitted to run in the Gallery. Workflows that contain certain tools or access may need to be blocked. If a user has a workflow that uses one of the prohibited tools in a safe manner, they may request an exemption from the Gallery Admin. Exemptions are managed on the Workflows page in the Gallery. See Workflows.

@Loic In our firm, we would like to block usage of Run Command Tool and Run Command event but allow all other tools that can be blocked using safe mode. Considering the number of assets in our Infra which uses download Tool, R Tool, Python Tool, Email Tool and Send Email event - providing exemption or manually updating each workflow on Gallery would be a pain for server admins. Is there a way, we can either 1. Block usage of just Run Command and Rum Command event on server ? or 2. Remove those functionalities in Designer so no workflow/app/macro can be created with those two functionalities ?

If answer to both questions above is No, Please do let me know if this should be submitted as an idea ? (ideally, we would like to have the ability to choose the tools that our firm can use in Designer or Server)

@revathi @jonesen unfortunately we can't be more granular. Please enter a new idea in the idea section. likely 2 ideas: one for Designer and one for Server. I am certain these ideas exist already. vote them up if you find them. If you don't create them and I will vote them up!

So I want to get an app to ddos just to mess with my friends lol. So I went online and discovered High Orbit Ion Cannon as well as Low Orbit Ion Cannon. These looked good to me but when I go to download either of them it sets off my antivirus. Should I trust them?

I'm not an expert, but here is my say, use virustotal.com, reason of why it is set off by your anti virus? If it says "Hack Tool" I would ignore that it just doesn't want you to use the tool. And for the whole ddosing thing those programs don't really take down your friends, if you want to take down your "friends" using an online booter would do more harm then LOIC. Online booter can be free or pay to use.

Okay, those are worthless unless you have a lot of them on multiple computers attacking one IP. I think what you are looking for is a Stresser. They do cost money but they are cheap for the most part.

Yup. Also, it seems that this type of attack covers at least two different charges. Unlawful/unauthorized access, and intentionally disrupting/damaging target network. But hey, the fuzz loves to rack up charges whenever possible.

I know it's illegal but it's just my friend so it's not like he's going to press charges. And loic uses slow loris, so I figured with my 100mbps connection and high end pc it might actually have some effect on him.

loic and hoic are just network stress tools, or layer 4 atack tools, they basicly automate hitting F5 on a website, nothing more then that. layer 4 attack with one individual pc, does not effect anything at all.(it only destroys your own bandwith) Loic only works if you have a lot of people using it on the same target at the same time.

nah, they are stand alone .exe files no install needed. also anon don't quite work like that. but mistery angel is right, it's why it's called Distributed Denial Of Service. noting the Distributed part- meaning it requires alot of people to do it all at the same time. it worthless doing it by yourself on one machine and connection.

The Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) is a tool that was developed by Praetox Technologies as a network stress testing application and then released into the public domain. This application is available as open source on Sourceforge.net and often used by malicious parties for DoS (denial of service) and DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks. The LOIC is available for Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, and iOS. There is also a JavaScript version (JS LOIC) that can be embedded in a page and a web application that only requires the user to open the web browser (Low Orbit Web Cannon). The successor of LOIC is called the High Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC). The name comes from a fictional weapon used in a video game.

The LOIC is a very simple application. It sends a stream of TCP packets, UDP packets, or HTTP GET packets to a selected host ur URL. Attackers use it to flood the target with bogus network traffic so that it has no resources to serve legitimate requests. LOIC cannot use proxies, so the IP address of the user is clearly visible to the target (stored in logs).

A single person using LOIC has very little impact but the application may run in hivemind mode. In this mode, the attackers use an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel for coordination and create a voluntary botnet (one participant is the master and the rest are slaves). If a large number of users flood the target server, it may experience a denial of service.

The Low Orbit Ion Cannon is a very basic attack tool that uses the simplest techniques. However, it is also very easy to install and use. This means that hacktivist organizations have no problems with getting a large number of people to participate in such attacks. It was used in the past in denial of service attacks that the 4Chan hacktivism group Anonymous organized against such companies like Mastercard and Paypal (Operation Payback), as well as organizations such as the Church of Scientology.

LOIC does not rely on any vulnerabilities. Therefore, vulnerability scanners and network scanners cannot be used to protect against it. Web application firewalls (WAF) work well for most DoS/DDoS attacks but intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS) are the best tool to use to protect against such attacks in general.

DoS/DDoS attempts are best throttled at the Internet Service Provider level. If your web server is hosted on a renowned virtual cloud (for example, Akamai or Cloudflare), such services have sufficient protection. The best way to mitigate a DDoS attack is to have an infrastructure that can handle a lot of traffic. If this is not possible, make sure that you use the firewall to limit the number of connections per IP in a given period.

If your website is vulnerable, it can be used as an agent (zombie) in a DDoS attack. LOIC (or similar applications) may be installed in console mode and controlled using IRC. If an attacker can hack your website and get shell access (for example, using SQL Injection or Code Injection), they can make you participate in attacks. JS LOIC may also be injected into your web page using Cross-site Scripting. Any user visiting the page would then unwillingly and unknowingly participate in an attack.

Therefore, even if a tool like the Acunetix vulnerability scanner is not effective for you as a victim of a DoS/DDoS attack, it effectively protects you and your website visitors against becoming an unwilling accomplice of a crime. And becoming such an accomplice may have much more serious consequences than being a victim. Take a demo to make sure that you and your visitors are safe.

A thunderbird 60.9.0 on Debian GNU/Linux stretch freezes during a few seconds (sometime one second and up to ten seconds). When frozen the characters entered while writing a mail are ignored and the menus are unresponsive. When the freeze is over, things resume normally. After a few days of observation nothing stands out as the root cause: it seems to be random, occurring as frequently as a few times per hour and sometimes only once every two hours.

Thanks for the quick reply. Shortly after posting I realized the version of thunderbird (60.9.0) was missing and the operating system as well (Debian GNU/Linux stretch) and updated the post accordingly.

The freeze problem (which happens at least once per hour and often more frequently) does not show in safe mode (1 day experiment). It does not show either when all addons are disabled (about 3 hours experiment). This strongly suggests an addon is the cause and we will re-activate each addon, one after the other, to find which one is responsible.

I am developing a functional safety project in IEC 61508 standard, which requires static and unit testing of all of the functions in the project. My question is, "Can I use auto-generated CubeMX configuration functions or the HAL library in my project since they are not tested with respect to the standard?" If not, what would be the best way to configure the peripherals? Should I just copy the corresponding register values from CubeMX? Any suggestions is appreciated. 152ee80cbc

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