I have trying to search how I can delete like 950 files from my file storage.

Only way I can do this from bubble backend is to delete one by one.

I understood that there is not yet feature yet to check all files by single click.

How can I know which images to delete in the File Manager if I have uploaded multiple of them that look very similar? Is there a way to understand which file in the file manager is not attached to anything in the front-end of the app?

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Sometimes I get a forward of a forward of a forward and all those forwards have all the image files folks use in their signatures. Then, I send this into Asana and I have tons of jpgs/pngs on a task. Just bloats the task and hides the real important attachments.

Facing the same issue - I tried creating an assistant on the Playground, uploaded a file. It said it is unable to access the file/the file might be empty, retry once.

Both files exist and are visible under the Files section of Platform. However, neither can be deleted or accessed by the assistant (There was an error deleting the file: No such File object: file-)

Note: The Unfiled Folder stores documents, graphics, and any other files from your account that you have posted to different areas of Canvas, such as Discussions. Deleting these items within current courses may create broken links and submissions.

To delete a file, click the line item for the file [1]. Click the Delete icon [2]. Or click the Options icon [3] and then click the Delete link [4].

To delete a folder, click the line item for the folder [1]. Click the Delete icon [2]. Or click the Options icon [3] and then click the Delete link [4].

So I've hit the storage quota and need to delete some files uploaded throughout the year. However the only way to delete those files is to right-click a file, press delete and confirm removal rinse and repeat. The issue is that I have HUNDREDS of those files - is there any way to select the files I want to delete and to it all at once or do I have to manually delete each and every file?

When you revert files marked for add, it only removes it from the changelist. Sometimes files are auto generated or I created some files that I don't want to add anymore and I want to remove them from the changelist and delete the local copy of it.

This is a little dangerous, as you'll need to ensure you don't have anything on your client that you want to keep that isn't also in the P4 repository. Once you verify that you want to delete all non-p4-versioned files...

The delete() method of java.nio.file.Files help us to delete a file located at the path passed as a parameter. This method may not be atomic with respect to other file system operations. If the file is a symbolic link then the symbolic link itself, not the final target of the link, is deleted. If the file is a directory then this method will delete that file only when the directory is empty. In some implementations, a directory has entries for special files or links that are created when the directory is created. In such implementations, a directory is considered empty when only the special entries exist. In such cases, Directories can be deleted using this method. On some operating systems it may not be possible to remove a file when it is open and in use by this Java virtual machine or other programs.

I have a sub vi (attached) which I runs after a time period checks files and comapres them against a time constraint. If that time constraint is met the the files are either deleted or moved. My current setup uses the file/directory info vi to check the folder path. I want to delete or copy the files after a time period. Given the last modification output on the file/directory info this only checks the last modified date of the folder and I want it to check the files in the folder. How would I do this?

I was thinking about opening a cmd window and performing the task outside of labview! Basically write the file names to a text file and read from that to select your old files. Any better ideas using labview functions?

I did eventually get it working. I have attached the entire finished program. Feel free to use it and change it around to suit your needs. The finished application will only delete or move the files in the specified folder(s) older than the set time. You can also set how often you want the application to check the folder(s).

If you delete an item inadvertently, Box does not immediately remove it. Instead it remains in your trash for 30 days, during which time you can recover it. (Administrators of Business and Enterprise accounts can shorten or lengthen this 30-day period.)

Yes, it is. As long as you don't need the logs for any debugging, it is perfectly okay. You should take a look at /etc/systemd/journald.conf. There is a setting to limit the amount of journals the system stores, so old ones get rotated out. This setting isn't perfect though, as corrupted files apparently do not get counted against this total (at least this was the case a couple months ago, not sure if it is fixed now), but it will certainly help to keep from having your system's /var fill up like you are experiencing.

I have 3 computers, all with Arch on them and configured in much the same way. Especially when it comes to these core packages. My htpc is the only one with the singe journal file, and I have the ACPI wakeup/shutdown implemented. A likely source of the problem also? (The other two pc's have multiple files as well as the hidden backup files).

This has actually been working for me recently so I assumed it was fixed. Just to say that the ~ files are not corrupt. They are just from unclean shutdowns, I think. (I have lots as my laptop was having issues. But I also get corrupt logs which are another issue.)

I am not sure, but maybe it is like this: 

- you specify 500M stored data

- journald calculates size for single file as 250M

- now there are always 2 files of 250M present while a new one is filled.

- When the new file is full, the oldest gets deleted and the journal rotates.

@farmerdave: 'runtime journal' is the volatile journal in ram; for the 'system journal' on disk, you should see a line like that:

'Allowing system journal files to grow to 500.0M.'

The rotation/cleanup of the journal files on disk should be automatic; there is one at startup if necessary, and after that, during runtime when it is required.

But if the journald service was uncleanly stopped, the rotation/cleanup at startup is seemingly hindered; and if that is so at every boot, the disk usage would not be well respected. In that case you can manually force a rotation/cleanup with the command in my post #8; there is no need to put that in a cron task; and that manual command should not even be necessary if everything works correctly.

Did you add the 'shutdown' hook in the initramfs? That's what fixed the uncleanly stopped journald service for me.

There are a number of reasons why errors may occur on file deletes,including the file not existing, or the user not having permissionto delete the desired file. More information on errors can be found in theHandle Errorssection of the docs.

Documents, media, and other files have a habit of sticking around on your computer, even long after you delete them from the Recycle Bin. So your photos, banking info, and other sensitive files and data are still up for grabs for any hacker with a little know-how. Find out how to permanently delete files from Windows and how to protect your files with antivirus software.

You should permanently delete files from your computer because removing that data completely opens up space on your hard drive and improves overall PC performance. And, because Windows keeps a record of deleted files in case of recovery, by permanently deleting them, you make it impossible for hackers to recover those files and access sensitive info.

An HDD (hard disk drive) saves space by dividing files into pieces and fitting them wherever it can. When you access a file on an HDD, the hard drive scans its contents mechanically, reassembles your data, and presents it to you.

When you delete a file on an HDD, your hard drive registers where the pieces were and marks the space as available. This is faster than actually deleting every piece, and also offers insurance in case you delete a folder or file by mistake. But unless you overwrite the space, the remnants of all your (potentially sensitive) files are available in the event that dangerous hackers come looking.

To permanently get rid of the file, you need a secure delete tool to shred the file or overwrite the space. After you delete your files, a PC cleaner tool can offer extra space-saving services such as removing junk files or fixing broken Windows shortcuts.

With the folder or file selected, click the down arrow under Delete (the big red X) at the top of the window and select Permanently delete to wipe your file. If you just click Delete (the big red X), your file will go straight to the Recycle Bin.

To securely delete Windows 10 files that you really want gone, use software tools that can overwrite the space those files take up on your disk, or even shred files altogether. PC cleaning tools can help you delete files before you sell your computer, to make sure none of your private data remains.

Deleting files is one way to keep your PC light and speedy, but there are many ways for unnecessary files and other digital detritus to clog up your system. You need a clever cleaner that knows where to look and is nimble enough to squeeze into any corner.

i have a folder with 2K+ files in it, i need to delete around 200, i have a txt file with all the file names i need removed ordered in a list, how do i remove the specific files from the folder using the list? (OS is windows 7)

Simple way is copy the txt file to a file called mydel.bat in the directory of the files to delete. Using an editor like Microsoft Word edit this file. Do a global replace on Newline normally ^p in Word. Replace it with space/f^pdelspace. This will change 17dc91bb1f

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