Instructions to Driving Volunteers for NOV 21

Hello Drivers! Thank you for your participation in our Deepavali Festive Drive & Distribute!

You have either chosen to:
Option 1 - Drive the food to a designated location. This location is a worksite, where migrant workers will be awaiting the delivery.
Option 2 - Distribute the food freely among road workers, tree pruners, other male migrant workers.

For cars driving to a location

Please have a banner ready on your car, on a simple sheet of paper and large letters, with the following information:

Car No. (per whatsapp list)
Items to be distributed

Post the banner on the passenger side bottom of the windshield, so it does not block drivers view. The volunteers handing out food will use it to identify and hand food to you.

For cars driving for free distribution

Please have a banner ready on your car, on a simple sheet of paper and large letters, with the following information:

Car No. (per whatsapp list)

Post the banner on the passenger side bottom of the windshield, so it does not block drivers view. The volunteers handing out food will use it to identify and hand food to you.

Instructions for those driving to a DESIGNATED LOCATION:

1) We are implementing staggered collecting times for the cars as follows:

11.00am : Car 1 - 50

11.20am : Car 51 - 100

11.40am : Car 101 - 150

12.00pm : Remaining cars

*If you are late or early, no don’t need to inform us, just join the Q.

2) When you enter Arcadia Road, please slow down and keep to your left. Residents’ cars may overtake you so please let them do so. Unless you are one of the first few cars you will most likely encounter a Q. Please join the line of slow moving cars and wait your turn. There will be volunteers wearing IRR Yellow T-shirt guiding you to join the Q.

3) Please be patient and join the Q. DO NOT attempt to overtake. If you see waiting cars on Adam Road as you turn in, please drive around for a few minutes and return to the road so as to avoid congestion. We will be there waiting for you, no rush: no need to panic about missing out:). 🏻

4) It is a Drive-Thru collection. There will be 3 stations at the end of the road where volunteers will hand out the food. Just wind down your window, collect the food and move on. You will not need to alight your car at any time.

5) Each car will collect approx. EITHER 30 boxes pizzas OR 50 samosas+50 buns and 3 - 4 cartons of canned drinks. Therefore, please clear your backseat/car boot.🥔🥔🥖🥖
You have already been informed what you will be handing out. Please identify the same clearly to the volunteers at the food station. The benchmark is one pizza per 3 workers or one samosa+one bun per worker. If you are delivering to a particular location, the supervisor has been informed of this. You will need to hand over to the site in charge, and they will manage the food distribution.

6) You can add drinks / fruit or any item of your choice. Not necessary but welcome to.

You will likely be one of many cars delivering food to the specific location.

8) When you get to site, you may handover the food packs to the the supervisor. Feel free to ask for some photos. Only if they invite you to hand out the food to the workers, you may do so if you wish.

9)If you have chosen to deliver to a specific location, and want to bring some extra drinks, sweets, etc you can distribute the items you bring freely to workers you come across on the streets instead - cleaners, pruners, etc. Dont tack it on the the delivery at the location, since you may be one of many delivering there, and it might not serve all the workers on location.

10) When you distribute to workers, please let them know it is from ItsRainingRaincoats. Feel free to show them the Facebook page of ItsRainingRaincoats (they may take a screen shot) and tell them it’s a Deepavali treat. Almost all workers understand basic English. 🥳🥳

11) Take a few pics and post on group chat. 🤩

12) Enjoy the experience and thank you for doing this to spread some cheer to our migrant workers. As we are doing this during the pandemic for the first time, things may not work our precisely as planned: in the event of any surprises, please come with a positive mind-set!️

13) Wear a mask at all times . Drivers/volunteers should not participate if unwell.

14) This is a rain or shine event. ️

15) Feel free to dress up your cars and also dress in festive Indian clothes! You can decorate your cars with flowers, any sustainably sourced or recycled decorations♻️! No pressure to but welcome to!

Instructions for those driving for FREE DISTRIBUTION:

1)Here are some instructions and tips for you tomorrow.

We are implementing staggered collecting times for the cars as follows:

11.00am : Car 1 - 50

11.20am : Car 51 - 100

11.40am : Car 101 - 150

12.00pm : Remaining cars

*If you are late or early, no don’t need to inform us, just join the Q.

2) When you enter Arcadia Road, please slow down and keep to your left. Residents’ cars may overtake you so please let them do so. Unless you are one of the first few cars you will most likely encounter a Q. Please join the line of slow moving cars and wait your turn. There will be volunteers wearing IRR Yellow T-shirt guiding you to join the Q.

3) Please be patient and join the Q. DO NOT attempt to overtake. If you see waiting cars on Adam Road as you turn in, please drive around for a few minutes and return to the road so as to avoid congestion. We will be there waiting for you, no rush: no need to panic about missing out:). 🏻

4) It is a Drive-Thru collection. There will be 3 stations at the end of the road where volunteers will hand out the food. Just wind down your window, collect the food and move on. You will not need to alight your car at any time.

5) Each car will collect approx. EITHER 30 boxes pizzas OR 50 samosas+50 buns and 3 - 4 cartons of canned drinks. Therefore, please clear your backseat/car boot.🥔🥔🥖🥖

6) The spirit of the drive by is to find workers where you spot them and surprise them with treats! So we invite you to enjoy that experience. Don’t worry about not being assigned to slots: the original goal of this initiative is to distribute treats to workers right in our midst, to surprise them and interact with them

7) Distribute to migrant workers only. 🏻‍♂️🏻‍♂️

8) You may pass at the rate of roughly one pizza box for 3 workers + 3 canned drinks OR 1 samosa + 1 cream roll per worker + 1 canned drink (ensure workers know how to take their slices of pizza and not to touch other slices, same goes to samosas) 🥔

9) Distribute generously. No problem if you give more but try not to give less. 🥰

10) Can add drinks / fruit or any item of your choice. Not necessary but welcome too! 🥧🥧

11) You can distribute to migrant workers doing road works or construction works / tree pruning / grass cutting etc. Migrant workers are not difficult to find in Singapore, they are everywhere doing road works and construction works.🏻‍🏻‍♂️

12) Always park safely, find a convenient and safe place to stop, put on your hazard lights if you have to. Please be safe and respect the safety of other road users while stopping to distribute.

13) When you distribute to workers, please let them know it is from ItsRainingRaincoats. Feel free to show them the Facebook page of ItsRainingRaincoats (they may take a screen shot) and tell them it’s a Deepavali treat. Almost all workers understand basic English. 🥳🥳

14) Take a few pics and post on group chat. 🤩

15) Enjoy the experience and thank you for doing this to spread some cheer to our migrant workers. As we are doing this during the pandemic for the first time, things may not work our precisely as planned: in the event of any surprises, please come with a positive mind-set!️

16) Wear a mask at all times . Drivers/volunteers should not participate if unwell.

17) This is a rain or shine event. ️

18) Feel free to dress up your cars and also dress in festive Indian clothes! You can decorate your cars with flowers, any sustainably sourced or recycled decorations♻️! No pressure to but welcome to!