



Fabian Otto is a PhD student at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI). He is currently a member of the Industry-on-Campus collaboration at the University of Tübingen and is supervised by Prof. Gerhard Neumann from the Autonomous Learning Robots group at KIT

His research interests are in deep reinforcement learning and algorithm development. In particular, he is working on novel and mathematically more principled approaches to trust region methods. 



Ning Gao started his PhD at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI) in May 2020 and he is also a member of the Autonomous Learning Robots group supervised by Prof. Gerhard Neumann at KIT

His research interests are in meta-learning on robotic applications and increasing the generalization ability of robot grasping, 6D object estimation or novel view-synthesis using deep representation learning algorithms.



Nicolas Schreiber joined the Autonomous Learning Robots group at KIT in 2021 as a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Gerhard Neumann. 

His research interests cover various areas of robotics, robot vision and sensor processing. However, his main research topic is imitation learning, especially inverse reinforcement learning. He is now working on robot teleoperation and augmented reality, hoping to use these fields together.



Vien Ngo is a research scientist working at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI) to understand the combination of decision theory and machine learning with applications in robotics. 

His research interests include probabilistic modelling of uncertainty, reinforcement learning, active learning, AI planning, and robotic learning. He received his Ph.D. in AI from South Korea. Before joining BCAI, he did his postdoctoral work in Singapore and Germany, and then became a Lecturer (aka Assistant Professor) in Machine Learning and Robotics at Queen's University Belfast (UK).



Danny Driess is a doctoral researcher in Marc Toussaint’s team at TU Berlin. His PhD focuses on learning in Task and Motion Planning with a special focus on connecting perception and planning for sequential manipulation tasks through machine learning.

Within SCIoI, he investigates novel ways to couple sequential manipulation planning with reactive policies for execution.



Gerhard Neumann is a full professor at the KIT and heading the chair "Autonomous Learning Robots" since Jan. 2020. Before that, he was group leader at the Bosch Center for AI (BCAI) and industry-on-campus professor at the University of Tübingen (from March to Dec. 2019) and full professor at the University of Lincoln in the UK (2016-2019). He completed his PhD in 2012 at the TU Graz and was afterwards PostDoc and Assistant Professor at the TU Darmstadt.



Clemens Eppner is a Research Scientist in the Seattle Robotics Lab at NVIDIA Research led by Dieter Fox.

He is interested in the problem space of grasping and manipulation, including aspects of planning, control, and perception. Before joining NVIDIA, he received his Ph.D. at the Robotics and Biology Lab at TU Berlin under the supervision of Oliver Brock.



Georgia Chalvatzaki is an Assistant Professor at TU Darmstadt from February 2022. Before that, she was an Independent Research Group Leader from March 2021, after getting the renowned Emmy Noether Programme (ENP) fund of the German Research Foundation (DFG). This project was awarded within the ENP Artificial Intelligence call of the DFG – only 9 proposals out of 91 proposals were selected for funding. It enables outstanding young scientists to qualify for a university professorship by independently leading a junior research group over six years.