List of most beautiful river walk in the world

Have you ever set foot in the riverside cities? In the world there are many beautiful rivers that can make anyone fall in love. Images of roads, trees, lamppost nestled on the banks of the river have witnessed up and down history of the city and steal the hearts of visitors by anyway.

VIC will help you choose the 5 most romantic, poetic and most worthwhile riverwalks. Do not hesitate to pick up your suitcase and choose a place to refresh yourself after long tiring days at work, or simply want to find a new experience with beloved ones.

List of top 5 best riverwalk in the world

1. Venice, Italy

Topping this list is Venice, the city known as the living museum of the world. There is no coastal city that can surpass the romance of this place.

There is a unique wedding ceremony nowhere else, that is, the wedding of the sea and the city, celebrated annually on the Sunday after the ascension of the Lord.

Most of Venice's area is built along the Grand Canal, with ancient architecture and riverside roads creating a very poetic and romantic scene.

Visitors to Venice are very pleased with the feeling of sitting on a yacht and gently admiring the poetic beauty in many different angles. Especially the feeling of sipping a cup of early morning coffee, catching the wonderful sunrise on the river, enjoying the peace and romance of the venice.

Venice goes wherever it is, the canals follow the canal, stretching across the roads, street corners, whether in the early morning or late afternoon, night or day, summer or winter, even at times noisy bustling or quiet, you can still hear the gentle slapping of the waves, like the breathing of the city itself.

That is why Venice is called "The city of water" by the rest of the world.

Along with the winding canals on the shore, it is impossible not to mention the beautiful architecture here. You can easily see bridges across the canal with a variety of styles and styles where it is a romantic meeting place for lovers, a place to welcome the sea breeze blowing in from afar, and is a place to see ancient palaces and full of perfect sculptures from the renaissance period.

It is flawed if you do not take your lover for a walk on the waterfront streets, where the classic victorian lamp posts stand by the shore to welcome the waves whispering against the cliffs.

Lamppost also appears at the most beautiful and poetic spots of Venice, looking through the following photo album:

See the list of most popular Lamppost here.

2. Amsterdam, Holand

Amsterdam, the city of canals, is known as the Venice of the North, always ranks in the top 5 most popular cities in Europe.

Along with Venice, this is definitely one of the most romantic cities on the planet that you should visit once in your life. Amsterdam's dreaming comes from the scenery of the Amstel canals built in the 17th century.

Visitors can sit on canoes running along the canals, watching the ancient houses with colorful flowers on both sides. Especially Raamgracht, one of the most peaceful and beautiful canals with houses fragrant with roses.

Coming to Amsterdam you will not be able to ignore the Red Light neighborhood, this is the most famous place in the Netherlands that everyone knows.

You should come here after the sunset. It is the time street lighting up. Walking on both sides of the canal, you will be overwhelmed by the bright red light from the houses, blending with the yellow light of lamppost. All paint the space a fanciful color.

Specially, in Amsterdam, you will find that prostitute is a legal professional and being respected. Walking on street, you will counter beautiful ladies standing behind the window and flirting with the passer. Also, there are many of shops do business on sex toy, bar, club, etc. The sexual museum in the city has become an attractive destination.

In Amsterdam, it is not hard to catch up lamppost while strolling around the street. Perhap this illuminating fixture has become an indispensable furniture of this pretty city that not only lighting up the darkness but also complement the city’s architecture.

3. Vienna, Capital of Austria

The capital Vienna is Austria's pride in tourism and is known as the most livable city in the world. Vienna has an ancient setting mixed with modern beauty, known as the capital of music, art and architecture.

Vienna has a myriad of tourist attractions, including the quaint and dilapidated architectures of the royal palaces, opera houses, museums and churches that make visitors must be surprised.

The most interesting thing in Vienna is the gentle Danube river flowing through the city center, blending in the tranquility of classical European music. All the hurried noise suddenly seemed to give way to the quietness here.

On the banks of the Danube River, visitors will experience a variety of culinary restaurants, relaxation venues, campsites and impressive cruise ship services.

If you notice, the ancient beauty of Vienna partly comes from Lampposts. Lamppost in Vienna is retro style, appearing everywhere, from the square to the street and inside the palace, both modern and classical.

4. Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm capital of the kingdom of Sweden is favorably referred to by the world as "the city of all feelings".

Stockholm is a magical and unique place on earth. Spread over 24,000 small islands, the panorama of Stockholm is delightful. Everything here is different and cannot be found anywhere else in the world. A feeling of familiarity with Stockholm will only exist in the memory of the fairy tales that you read as a child.

More than 30% of Stockholm is a canal, 40% is green space, so the climate here is cleaner than any other capital in the world.

If Venice is a city on the sea then Stockholm is a city on the islands. There are too many places to go, too many places to see, too many shopping spots. Stockholm will make visitors come here confused and regretful because there is not enough time to stay longer.

The Swedes are polite and calm, just like their own country. Try stopping by the side of the road to enjoy the street musicians expressing their "feelings" to visitors through melodies, like long-standing friends.

In particular, the ancient town of Gamla Stan - the center of the capital is located on 3 islands and was built in the 13th century with many ancient Renaissance architecture. It is no exaggeration to consider Gamla Stan as "giant outdoor museum".

The canal system in Stockholm connects from the Gota River to many parts of the city. This is the longest river in Northern Europe and divided into many small branches.

If you love photography, do not hesitate to reach out to take pictures of yellow buildings, or cobblestone streets, especially long lamppost line on the riverside. All will definitely give you worthy memories.

5. London, England

London is a city in England that everyone who hears of it must agree that this is the most expensive ancient city in Europe.

London has a large area surrounded by the beautiful Thames River. The blend of architecture and nature has turned London into an indescribable romantic place when sunset falls.

To London, don’t forget to book a yacht trip to Thames river, enjoy the fun music atmosphere, have a romantic dinner, watch street corners, date your loved one and together explore an ideal riverside world.

The Thames River is nearly 350km long, it would not be too much to call it the river the heart of the British capital.

Take the time to walk along the Thames River, starting from Tower Bridge to Westminster Bridge, except on cold days or bad weather, you will see the beauty of London.

In just a short 5km, visitors will easily be overwhelmed because almost every iconic British project is focused here. From Big Ben clock tower, House of Parliament, London Eye to The Shard, ... or famous South Bank center.

There are 200 bridges spanning the Thames and the most famous one is probably the Tower Bridge with the age of 124 years old. This is the bridge printed on most postcards about the UK capital.

Along the riverside, British people and visitors can freely walk and watch the works marking the time. Lampposts stand steadily following the flow of history, wear vintage style, both modern and magnificent.


Each place you go through, will surely have its own unique impression, enough to make your heart remember forever.

Hopefully, through this article, VIC has helped you partly feel the beauty of riverside cities, pick up your suitcase and explore for a memorable experience.

Top 10 most beautiful roads in the world that have lamppost: